Susan Roelofs
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Original Text
From: C=US/A=INTERNET/DDA=ID/CANCHID(a)YORKU.CA, on 97/05/08 17:12:
Original MHS ID: US/INTERNET/0001oqoiakye
Delivered: Thu May 8 17:12:42 1997
----------------------------- [X.400 Text Follows]
May 8, 1997
Re: Request for Maternal and Child Health Teaching Resource Materials
To Whom It May Concern:
The School of Nursing at the University of Ottawa is the executing agency
for a bilateral Maternal and Child Health (MCH) project in Yunnan, China.
Focussing on minority nationalities in 10 of the poorest counties in
Yunnan, the project aims to improve the quality, accessibility, and timely
availability of priority MCH care.
A major component of the project is the training of MCH workers using
community-based educational programming with participatory, experiential
teaching methods. This will be accomplished using teams of trainers and a
`train-the trainer`approach.
We are in the process of gathering MCH teaching materials for use in the
training of MCH workers in developing countries. A list of the teaching
aids you know of or your organization has available (books, manuals,
slides, flip charts, etc.) would be most useful. Information on other
organizations who have MCH teaching materials would also be helpful.
Please send resource lists and order forms to:
e-mail: [log in to unmask]
fax: 613-562-5443 attention: Susan Roelofs
mail: Susan Roelofs, Coordinator - China Projects
School of Nursing, University of Ottawa
451 Smyth Rd.
Ottawa, Ontario
K1H 8M5
Your assistance is most appreciated.
Susan Roelofs
Coordinator - China Projects
Susan Roelofs
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562-5800, ext.8450