> From: Steve Manske <[log in to unmask]>
> To: [log in to unmask]
> Subject: Survey of capacity of "health units" for use of WWW
> Date: Friday, 29 August, 1997 1:02 PM
> I am involved in a proposal for a feasibility study which would
> mount a small WWW-based training module directed to staff in
> health units. Is there an existing survey (perhaps
> aimed at a different group) which would tap the relevant pieces
> of information? We anticipated conducting the survey by
> telephone, although other means are possible.
> Your private replies are welcome. Thanks for your help. Steve Manske
> --===--===--===--===--===--===--===--===--===--===--===--===--===--===-
> Steve Manske, Health Behaviour Research Group, U Waterloo, ON N2L 3G1
> Ph: 519-888-4747 x6552 Fax: 746-8171 Email: [log in to unmask]
> --===--===--===--===--===--===--===--===--===--===--===--===--===--===-