Hi all!
I know that we are all solicited from every direction, but if you know of
any one who could do anything to help the group out below--please contact my
friend Gila.
She and the group she directs are true peace promoters in all senses of the
word. I cannot say enough about how wonderful they all are, how devoted, how
clear -headed and strong they are--if more people like Gila were "running"
this world it'd be alot better place for alot more!
best regards,
While electing a new government goes a long way, a durable peace cannot be
achieved by treaties alone. That's why Bat Shalom also runs dialogue
groups for Israelis and Palestinians -- in order to build a culture of
peace. This summer, however, an incredible program for 16-year-old girls
is at risk, and we are appealing to our e-mail readers for help.
We started the group last summer for girls who were not necessarily
"predisposed" to making peace. Most were meeting "the other" for the first
time, yet by the end of the summer, they were "changed forever", to quote
one Israeli participant, formerly right-wing.
The program does many things -- empowers leadership among teenage girls,
breaks down stereotypes, and undermines the barriers of alienation that
separate Israelis from Palestinians. I can't think of a better way to
instill a commitment to peace among young people.
Bat Shalom is hoping to deepen and extend the program this summer, and
thankfully the foundation US/Israel Women-to-Women has come to our aid with
partial funding, but we cannot cover the balance by ourselves. And there
is simply no time to get to foundations, which take months to respond.
If you could help in any amount, please do. And write if you'd like more
information about the program.
Thank you for any help you can give.
Gila Svirsky
Three ways to send support:
1. Mail a check (any currency) to Bat Shalom, POB 8083, Jerusalem 91080, Israel.
2. Send a tax-deductible contribution (write that it's for Bat Shalom) via:
*New Israel Fund, 1625 K St. NW - Suite 500, Washington, DC 20006, USA.
*New Israel Fund, 800 Eglinton Ave. West - #401, Toronto, ON M5R 1B2, Canada.
*New Israel Fund, 26 Enford St., London, W1H 2DD, UK.
*Neuer Israel Fonds Schweiz, PO Box 425, CH-4010 Basel, Switzerland.
*US/Israel Women-to-Women, 275 7th Ave. - 8th fl., New York, NY, USA.
3. Wire money to the "Jerusalem Women's Action Center - Bat Shalom" at the
following Swift address: BARDILIT, Mercantile Discount Bank Ltd., 103
Allenby Rd., Tel-Aviv, Israel, For: Branch 646, 1 Agron St., Jerusalem, to
Account # 67628.
Many thanks.
Shalom / Salaam
Bat Shalom is a feminist peace organization working toward a just peace
between Israel and its Arab neighbors. Bat Shalom, together with The
Jerusalem Center for Women, a Palestinian women's peace organization,
comprise The Jerusalem Link. Visit our web site for more information and
our latest activities: http://www.batshalom.org
We gratefully accept contributions to help support our work. Checks in any
currency can be mailed to Bat Shalom, POB 8083, Jerusalem 91080, Israel.
Tel: +972-2-563 1477; Fax: +972-2-561 7983. See our web site for
information about tax-deductible contributions or bank transfers.
Anne W. Bunde-Birouste
IUHPE Director of Programmes
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