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"Stirling, Alison" <[log in to unmask]>
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Health Promotion on the Internet <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 10 Feb 2004 14:20:15 -0500
text/plain (44 lines)
From the Atlantic Health Promotion Research Centre - Call for Abstracts for
the Atlantic Health Promotion Research Forum June 1-2
Deadline for Abstracts - February 27th 2004

The Atlantic Health Promotion Research Centre invites the submission of
abstracts for the Atlantic Health Promotion Research Forum to be held in
Moncton, New Brunswick, on June 1 & 2, 2004.
The focus of this event is on health promotion research, which is
multi-disciplinary, collaborative and action oriented. This forum will
provide an unprecedented opportunity for researchers, policy makers,
community groups and other sectors to come together to share their knowledge
and address policy issues pertinent to health promotion in Atlantic Canada.

We are currently seeking abstracts for the Atlantic Health Promotion Forum
for poster presentations, oral presentations and roundtables. All abstracts
should be submitted by March 31, 2004 and should follow the guidelines in
the call for abstracts. Abstracts are encouraged to follow one of the 2 main
   Population Health Status or
   Health Promotion Approaches;
     sub-themes are suggested in the call for abstracts.

Please share the call for abstracts at and distribute widely. We hope
to attract a wide variety of individuals interested in Health Promotion
Research to this innovative forum next June.

For more information please email [log in to unmask] or check the AHPRC website at under Atlantic Health Promotion Research Forum, June
1st & 2nd, 2004.
On this website you will find the call for abstracts, the forum program
outline and all other updates for the forum.


Alison Stirling, co-facilitator Click4HP listserv
health promotion consultant, Ontario Prevention Clearinghouse
email: [log in to unmask] or [log in to unmask]
Tel. 1+416-408-2249x226 Fax. 1+416-408-2122

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