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Joe Levy <[log in to unmask]>
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Health Promotion on the Internet <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 12 May 2002 14:03:55 +0200
text/plain (154 lines)


Debra Lafler wrote:

>Positive Psychology and Health Conference
>Make your plans now to attend the 3rd Biennial Counseling Health Psychology
>Conference on August 21, 2002 at Rush-Presbyterian-St. Luke's Medical
>Center in Chicago. The conference is sponsored by the Health Section of
>Division 17 and by Rush. The conference will also be co-sponsored by other
>APA Divisions.  The focus of this year's one-day conference is on positive
>psychology, health, and helping people change. The conference title is
>Positive Psychology and Health: Building the Best things in Life.
>Continuing education credits will be available for psychologists.
>Information and Registration materials for the conference can be found at:
>Also attached is a Microsoft Word version of the registration form.
>The conference will be held on the day prior to the 2002 APA conference to
>make it more convenient and cost-effective for people to attend. The
>previous two conferences were very successful, and we expect this year's
>conference to be excellent. The format of conference will include keynote
>speakers and breakout sessions. Keynote speakers will present on positive
>psychology and health, and breakout sessions will allow more in-depth
>discussion of research and practice issues.
>This conference is especially great for students because of the low cost
>and opportunity to network with scholars and national leaders in positive
>See you in Chicago!
>Keynote Speakers
>Arthur Hoffman, M.D. & David Goldberg, M.D. - Dept. Preventative Medicine,
>Rush Medical College
>         Mindfulness and Medicine
>Carol Ryff, Ph.D. - University of Wisconsin-Madison
>         Psychological Well-Being and Health
>George Fitchett, D. Min. - Dept. Religion, Health & Human Values,
>Rush-Presbyterian-St. Lukes Medical Center
>         Varieties of Religious Coping and Contributions to Health
>Carol Farran, Ph.D. - Rush University College of Nursing
>         Finding Meaning: An Option for Family Caregivers of Persons with
>Breakout Sessions
>Carl Thoreson, Ph.D., Stanford University
>         How to Grow Spiritually: A Positive Psychology Perspective
>Kathleen Chwalisz, Ph.D., Southern Illinois University
>         Qualitative Methods in Positive Psychology Research
>Shane J. Lopez, Ph.D., University of Kansas
>         Promoting Hope, Optimism and Well-Being: Programs that Work
>Elizabeth Altmaier, Ph.D., University of Iowa
>         Critical Issues in Researching Quality of Life
>(this form can be found on the internet site, or it can be
>copied & pasted onto word doc. and printed)
>Positive Psychology and Health: Building the Best Things in Life
>Rush-Presbyterian-St. Luke's Medical Center
>Chicago, Illinois
>August 21, 2002
>Please print or type:
>Name    ____________________________________________
>        (as you would like it to appear on your badge)
>Institutional Affiliation:   ____________________________________________
>Mailing Address:        __________________________________________________
>                        __________________________________________________
>                        __________________________________________________
>Work Telephone: ____________________    Home Telephone:   ______________
>Email:    _________________________________
>(note: email will be used for communication)
>Please indicate your preference for breakout sessions by checking one
>program for each session:
>        Breakout Session I
>        ____  How to Grow Spiritually: A Positive Psychology Perspective
>                Carl Thoreson, Ph.D., Stanford University
>        ____    Qualitative Methods in Positive Psychology Research
>                Kathleen Chwalisz, Ph.D., Southern Illinois University
>        Breakout Session II
>        ____    Promoting Hope, Optimism, Well-Being: Programs that Work
>                Shane J. Lopez, Ph.D., University of Kansas
>        ____    Critical Issues in Researching Quality of Life
>                Elizabeth Altmaier, Ph.D., University of Iowa
>Please indicate any special assistance or accommodations you might need
>(e.g., due to disability).
>Conference Fees (circle one):
>                                        Before July 21  July21-Aug 1
>Physician                               $125.00         $150.00
>Psychologists (CE Credits)      $ 75.00         $ 90.00
>Professional or Resident        $ 60.00         $ 75.00
>Students                                $ 30.00         $ 45.00
>* Rush employees receive $10 discount from prices above
>Fees include admission to all conference activities, breakfast, lunch and
>Make personal check, cashier's check, or money order out to Positive
>Psychology/Health Conference
>Send form and check to:
>Daniel L. Clay, Ph.D.
>Rush Conference Registration
>361 Lindquist Center
>University of Iowa
>Iowa City, IA  52242
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