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Sat, 4 Feb 2017 16:24:12 +0000
Has this group considered whether MT would have blogged if he had had a computer? Also, would he get in trouble with ReplytoAll, or was it impossible to embarrass him, except that time at the Atlantic Monthly dinner for Whittier's birthday?
Professor of Law
Michigan State University College of Law
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-----Original Message-----
From: Mark Twain Forum [mailto:[log in to unmask]] On Behalf Of Robert M Ellsworth
Sent: Saturday, February 04, 2017 9:20 AM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Re: Is there a general consensus as to Twain's best full-length works?
> On Feb 3, 2017, at 1:29 PM, Kevin Mac Donnell =
<[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> Ooops! My "What's the best time Saturday?" message was intended for =
> person entirely, just in case anyone is trying to make sense of it =
(like Dan=20
> Rather trying to figure out why that mugger famously asked him "What's
> =
> frequency, Kenneth?").
Just for the record (and Hal could probably have his Twain make some = witty observations on this) =E2=80=9CKenneth, what is the frequency=E2=80=9D= refers to a belief that there is a particular frequency of = electromagnetic radiation (around 1.12 MHz) that works on the human = brain for things like CIA mind control =E2=80=A6 in other words, what = the tinfoil hats are supposed to be a Faraday cage against; probably = something to do with the pickup from secret antennas the worldwide = dental conspiracy has put in tooth repairs. The nutjob in question = figured =E2=80=98who better knows the secrets of radio like the = doubtless CFR-connected head of the FCC=E2=80=99 and decided direct = action was the answer. =20
(BTW, the =E2=80=98secret frequency=E2=80=99 isn=E2=80=99t for mind = control, it=E2=80=99s the Tesla =E2=80=9Cdeath ray=E2=80=9D, but = that=E2=80=99s another story=E2=80=A6)=