Hello Everyone,
I am planning on overhauling the IDM Best Practices website (www.idmbestpractices.ca) over the next few monnths and would welcome any feedback from people who visit it on occasion. For example:
- Are there any monthly features you would hate to see disappear? (for this month's profile, reflection, jottings by the editor, and resource of the month go to http://idmbestpractices.ca/idm.php?content=monthlyfeatures)
- Which IDM resources would you want to see still listed? (for current listings see http://idmbestpractices.ca/idm.php?content=resources-idm)
- Some of the links for the general resources don't work any more so I will be deleting those and looking for new resources to put on. Let me know if there are any resources that you highly recommend (in the areas of: assessment of evidence sources; databases; listservs & ebulletins; evaluation; journals & bulletins; organizations). (for current listings go to http://idmbestpractices.ca/idm.php?content=resources-general)
- Do you know of any other best practices initiatives around the world to add to the current list? (for current list go to http://idmbestpractices.ca/idm.php?content=resources-world)
Other comments and suggestions are also welcome.
While I am writing - the website is always open to submissions of reflections related to health and best practices (however defined) and profiles of people (yourself or someone else) who use a best practices approach for better health.
best wishes,
Barbara Kahan
(306) 565-0080
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visit best practices website www.idmbestpractices.ca
To manage subscriptions/passwords, or view archives, go to http://listserv.yorku.ca/archives/click4hp.html . [log in to unmask] is run in collaboration with Health Nexus: http://www.healthnexus.ca/index_eng.php