*The Social Aetiology of Mental Illness (SAMI) Training Program 2013–2014 Postdoctoral Fellowship. * *Application Deadline: March 01, 2013 (5:00pm EST)* * * The Social Aetiology of Mental Illness (SAMI)<http://knowledgex.camh.net/researchers/areas/sami/Pages/default.aspx> Training Program is now accepting applications for the 2013-14 Postdoctoral Fellowship program. The SAMI training program is a CIHR Strategic Training Initiative in Health Research <http://www.cihr-irsc.gc.ca/e/22174.html> Training Program based at the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health<http://www.camh.ca/en/hospital/Pages/home.aspx>and the University of Toronto, and includes international partners from across the globe. Fellowships are for 1 year, fully funded, research-based, and will help top-class research students further develop their skills in investigating the social aetiology of mental illness. Deadline: March 1, 2013 (5:00pm EST). Please visit the SAMI Training Program website for more information on how to apply<http://knowledgex.camh.net/researchers/areas/sami/Pages/application.aspx> . To manage subscriptions/passwords, or view archives, go to http://listserv.yorku.ca/archives/click4hp.html . [log in to unmask] is run in collaboration with Health Nexus: http://www.healthnexus.ca/index_eng.php