Hello CLICK4HP Members,
Are you interested in becoming a member of the Health Promotion Ontario
(HPO) association? We are currently accepting new membership
applications for 2006-2007.
To find out more about our association and to access membership forms,
please visit our "new" test website
http://hpotestblog.squarespace.com/join-hpo-/ . Although information on
Health Promotion Ontario can still be found on www.hpoph.org
<http://www.hpoph.org/> we are currently in transition of updating/
moving our website.
Should you be interested in joining HPO, please submit by mail your
completed Membership Forms to Aarti Soni (HPO Treasurer) by September
18, 2006 (refer to the membership form for more details). If you have
any questions or require further information, please contact Aarti or
any of the Health Promotion Executive; contact information can be found
www.hpoph.org <http://www.hpoph.org/> or
Being a member of Health Promotion Ontario will:
* Connect you to a group of professionals with similar focus and
interests beyond those within your own health department or organization
through the member list serve, website (www.hpoph.org
<http://www.hpoph.org/> ) and conferences.
* Enhance your knowledge and awareness of health promotion
topics and of best practices programming occurring throughout the
* Link you to Health Promotion resources which will keep you
updated with the activities that are occurring in public health/ health
promotion within Ontario and Canada (i.e., Public Health Agency of
Canada, OPHA/ alPHa).
* Facilitate a level of communication, collaboration and
coordination for you with other Health Promotion organizations. Health
Promotion Ontario serves as a channel through which health promotion
practitioners may exchange and share methods, techniques and
* Provide you with an organization that promotes recognition of
the health promotion role/ discipline and a sense of professional
identity towards the profession of health promoters.
* Provide you with opportunities for training and continuing
education/ professional development within the existing health promotion
* Provide you with current health promotion information on
various health promotion issues; HPO is a communication and advisory
resource for agencies, organizations and anyone in the public and
private sectors, thereby identifying methods of improving the quality
and practice of health promotion.
Please feel free to forward membership information to others who may be
interested in becoming part of HPO!
Thank you,
Inge Roosendaal, B.Sc., M.PL
Treasurer, HPO
Chronic Disease & Injury Prevention, Dental Program
Peel Health
9445 Airport Rd., 3rd Fl
Brampton, ON L6S 4J3
T(905)791-7800, x2091 F(905)458-5158
Send the following text: unsubscribe click4hp to: [log in to unmask] if you wish to unsubscribe. Go to http://listserv.yorku.ca/archives/click4hp.html to view CLICK4HP archives or manage your subscription (you will have to create a password).