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Health Promotion on the Internet <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 10 Nov 2008 11:11:09 -0500
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Environmental Health Justice in the City

2008-2009 Seminar Series

Arts‐Informed, Embodied Research Installations

Presenter: Dr. Geoffrey Edwards

Nov. 13th, 2008 from 2pm‐4pm

University College Room 248 - U of T St. George campus (15 King’s College


Description of Seminar: Beginning with some concrete examples of Resonant
Installations currently

under development, we shall explore some of the underlying principles
concerning embodied

experience and visceral knowledge; talk about technology toolkits that
support the work, and do

some "body‐storming" exercises that favor the development of transformative
design principles. The

seminar will hence be a mix of theory, embodiment exercises and a practical
work focused on

installation design.


Geoffrey Edwards is a senior scientist who has long worked at the interface
between disciplines. Since awarded the

Canada Research Chair in Cognitive Geomatics in 2001, he has concentrated
his efforts towards the elaboration of

cognitively‐informed tools for situating the body in space. For the past
five years, Dr. Edwards has been working with

a performing artist, Ms. Marie Louise Bourbeau, on the development of new
media installations that explore the

body in space as it relates to issues and challenges in physical
rehabilitation and public health. These Transformative

or Resonant Installations explore visceral embodied experience as it relates
to personal identity and a sense of

personhood. Dr. Edwards has led several major initiatives in collaborative
research over the years, including

roles as director of the Centre for Research in Geomatics at Laval
University and of the GEOIDE Network of

Centres of Excellence. He is currently also director of the Laboratory for
the Exploration of Media Immersion for

Rehabilition (the EMIR Laboratory), a CFI‐funded infrastructure. He is in
Toronto as part of a sabbatical leave,

working with scientists and clinicians at Bloorview Kids Rehab on a series
of Embodied Resonant Installations for

children with disabilities.

About the Environmental Health Justice in the City Research Interest

With funding from the Centre for Urban Health Initiatives at the University
of Toronto, our network is focused on advancing

the theory and practice of how social inequities in environmental health in
the city are (re)produced, assessed,

understood/experienced, & addressed. We are particularly interested in
advancing the understanding and application of

innovative community-based, participatory, and arts-informed approaches.
Specific substantive foci include (a) perception,

governance, distribution of environmental health inequities in an urban
context, (b) urban form and the built environment as

key components of environmental justice, and (c) climate justice in an urban
context. The diverse and growing RIG

membership includes faculty and students from several disciplines at 5
universities, numerous local and national NGOs,

policy-makers and government.

We have funding for 2 seed grant pilot projects: (a) a photovoice project
with partners in Parkdale to document (and develop

indicators from) the lived experience of environmental health injustice
among marginalized groups; (b) an arts-enabled

‘resonant installation’ approach to popular education on climate justice.
We are looking to expand our network and to catalyze the development of new
initiatives - please join us!

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Alexis Kane Speer, M.A.

Centre Coordinator/ Research Associate

Centre for Urban Health Initiatives (CUHI)

University College, Room 259

University of Toronto

15 King's College Circle

Toronto, Ontario M5S 3H7


FAX: 416-946-0669

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