OCDPA Newsletter - December Issue
It may be the most wonderful time of the year, but alcohol need not be
part of this holiday season. Did you know that 61% of Ontario students
in grades 7 through 12 reported drinking alcohol the past year and that
about 23% of Ontario students in grades 7 through 12 restrict their
drinking to special occasions only (Ontario Student Drug Use and Healthy
Survey 2007)?
Alcohol misuse causes considerable health and criminal burden on the
Canadian society, part of which could be avoided by implementing
cost-effective policies. Each year, the Alcohol Policy Network, in
conjunction with the Ontario Public Health Association's Alcohol
Workgroup and other partners, hosts the Alcohol: No Ordinary Commodity
Forum to address alcohol misuse and to influence alcohol policies.
Moreover, to address alcohol misuse in Canada, the National Alcohol
Strategy Working Group identified 41 recommendations in a report,
Reducing Alcohol-Related Harm in Canada: Towards a Culture of
Moderation, which provides a vision of how to reduce alcohol-related
harm in Canada.
In addition to addressing alcohol misuse, the December issue of the
OCDPA Bi-monthly showcases the Canadian Mental Health
Association-Ontario Division and discusses why it is important to
address mental health-related issues in chronic disease prevention in
Ontario. Why not add some calcium to your diet by trying all 8
nutritious recipes courtesy of Dairy Farmers of Canada; Milk is a key
source of calcium, vitamin D, phosphorus, riboflavin, protein, vitamins
A and B12, potassium and magnesium. Last but not least, have fun with
the chronic disease prevention word search and add some chronic disease
prevention messages to your holiday by engaging in a sing-a-long!
OCDPA's Presentations at Public Health Summit and CDPAC Conference
In October, OCDPA attended the Niagara Public Health Summit and
presented a workshop on "Applying Generic Policies across Risk Factors
for Chronic Disease".
In November, an oral presentation on the "Moving the Healthy Eating and
Active Living Strategy Forward in Ontario" report was delivered.
Both presentations are now available for download on the OCDPA website.
Upcoming Chronic Disease Prevention Events
We have updated the "Upcoming Events" page and have included events up
to March 2009. If you would like to post CDP-related events on the
OCDPA web page, please submit information to [log in to unmask]
Thank you and have a healthy and active holiday season!
Hoi Ki Ding
Project Coordinator
Ontario Chronic Disease Prevention Alliance
c/o Ontario Public Health Association
700 Lawrence Avenue West, Suite 310
Toronto, Ontario M6A 3B4
Tel (416) 367-3313 ext. 225
Fax (416) 367-2844
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