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Sender: Mark Twain Forum <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Sat, 7 May 2022 20:48:00 +0200
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best wishes

On Sat, 7 May 2022 13:36:30 -0400
 <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
>Hi folks, Wes Britton here, once very active in this community. Over
>past few years, I keep discovering just how much of my old scholarship
>missing from my files. I know some of my articles are in scholarly
>but I no longer have any access to any of them.
>So iffen any of you can e-mail me digital versions of any of the items
>below, I'd be mightily grateful:
>"'I Come from the Throne': 'The War Prayer,' The Bible, and
>Anti-imperialism." Mark Twain Studies 2 (Japan), 2006.
>"Mark Twain 'Cradle Skeptic': High Spirits, Ghosts, and the Holy
>South Dakota Review. Vol. 30:4 (Winter 1992): 87-97.
>"Carlyle, Clemens, and Dickens: Mark Twain's Francophobia, The French
>Revolution and Determinism." Studies in American Fiction. Vol. 20:2
>1992): 197-205.
>"MacFarlane, 'Boarding House,' and 'Bugs': Mark Twain's Cincinnati
>Apprenticeship." Mark Twain Journal. 27 (Spring 1989): 14-17.
>"Mark Twain and Tom Paine: 'Common Sense' as Source for 'The War
>CCTE Studies. 54 (1989): 132-49. (As paper, won First Place in
>Literature, College Conference of Teachers of English, Austin, TX.
>March 4,
>"Edgar Allan Poe and John Milton: 'Nativity Ode' as Source for "The
>ANQ: American Notes and Queries, Vol. 11. No. 2. Spring 1998: 29-31.
>"The Puritan Past and Black Gothic: Toni Morrison's Beloved in Light
>House of the Seven Gables." Nathaniel Hawthorne Review. Vol. 21: 2.
>1995): 7-23.
>Thanks for unearthing any of these old vagrants-
>Wesley Britton-

Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Hochbruck
Dept. of English 
Centre for Security and Society
Albert Ludwigs University Freiburg
Rempart St. 15
D-79098 Freiburg