Remember to write this in your daytimers! The Health Promotion Ontario
(public health) Spring Conference takes place on Thursday, May 2nd and
Friday, May 3rd, 2002 at Kempenfelt Centre near Barrie. We'll be having our
usual fantastic Success Stories session where you can share with everyone
some of your great resources, activities, programs and so on. It's a great
way to find out what others are doing around the province.
Overview of Speakers:
Ann Martin will give a very interactive presentation about working with and
engaging marginalized populations, how and where this population 'lives',
the best way to promote to this population, as well as the best way for
public health units to design programs to ensure everyone has equal access.
From Simcoe County District Health Unit, Joyce Fox, Director of Healthy
Living Services, will discuss the work she did with RNAO Best Practice
Guideline development (Enhancing Healthy Adolescent Development) currently
being piloted in Hamilton. As well, she will offer some examples/tools of
work done with youth in Simcoe County.
Fataneh Zarinpoush, PhD, is a Research Associate at the Institute for Work
and Health. She will bring with her research around mental health at work
and measuring stressors and stress outcomes in a workplace.
Raymond Langlois and Helen Evans from Peel Health will speak about their
workplace health conference, what worked, what didn't, and the computer
program that they have developed.
Look for your Conference brochure in March 2002 or for more information
contact myself or Aprile Spence, Member at Large, 905-791-7800 ext. 2716,
email - [log in to unmask]
Jill Faulkner,
Vice Chair HPO (ph)
Phone: (705) 474-1400 ext. 246
Email: [log in to unmask]
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