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Munkittrick Associates <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 21 Jun 2021 16:09:17 -0400
text/plain (43 lines)
According to T*he Springfield Daily Republican* (November 30, 1869) Twain
was to lecture that evening in Thompsonville, Connecticut's North
Congregational Church  on the "Curiosities of California" for the
"Thompsonviille lecture association."

Alain Munkittrick, Associate

Architecture, Interior Design and Space Planning
PO Box 167
Cobalt, CT 06414
Tel: 860.342.4333

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235 Middle Haddam Road
Portland, CT 06480

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Munkittrick Associates.

On Mon, Jun 21, 2021 at 3:59 PM Scott Holmes <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

> So I'm working on Twain's routes for the "Our Fellow Savages" tour.
> November 29, 1869 he's in Newtonville, MA - just a short step from
> Boston.  November 30, he's in Thompsonville. Thompsonville, CT is quite
> a distance from Boston but it seems to be the agreed upon location for
> his lecture.  Maybe Thompsonville, MA - just a small village in Newton,
> MA - also just a short step from Boston - as been overlooked.
> Is there any corroborating evidence as to what town he might have
> lectured in?  Just the next day he is reported to have been in Brooklyn.