Sun, 14 Mar 2021 18:24:39 -0400
Thanks for the news.
Michael Torregrossa
On Sun, Mar 14, 2021 at 5:41 PM Harris, Susan Kumin <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> (Post Title) "Will the Circle be represented at the upcoming ALA?"
> Dear Friends and Colleagues,
> Some of you have asked if the Mark Twain Circle will be at this year's
> ALA, scheduled for July 7-10 in Boston. The answer is no; we (the
> panelists plus the Executive Committee) thought it most prudent to buck the
> panels forward to the Elmira 2022 Quadrennial Conference, whose chairs,
> Tracy Wuster and Shelley Fisher Fishkin, graciously invited us to do. So
> although we will miss you--and ALA--sorely this year, we look forward to
> seeing you in Elmira in August 2022. It's going to be a great one!
> --Susan K. Harris, President, MT Circle
> Susan K. Harris
Michael A. Torregrossa (he/his/him), M.A.
*Founder, The Association for the Advancement of Scholarship and Teaching
of the Medieval in Popular Culture:
*Founder, The Alliance for the Promotion of Research on the Matter of
*Founder, Northeast Alliance for Scholarship on the Fantastic:
Area Chair, Monsters and the Monstrous Area, Northeast Popular
Culture/American Culture Association: