For my online radio show, I'm working on an interview with a gent representing the International Jules Verne Society. That made me wonder-one line of questioning might relate to connections between Verne and Twain. It's been years since I dived into Twain scholarship-any work on connections between Verne and Twain? I know Twain had a lot of distaste for anything French, but did that include Verne? Dr. Wesley Britton, Host Artist first flashback with Wes Britton <> Wes Britton's "Remember Again" ArtistFirst page: <> Wes Britton's espionage files: <> The "Flashback with Wes Britton" Facebook page: < 071069&paipv=0&eav=AfYC_y_MzreGjClckTS8FNku4PKYN7cvwgnrHhbE9c-UP6Slo3XnP96Iq ousTfFyEVM&_rdr> 71069&paipv=0&eav=AfYC_y_MzreGjClckTS8FNku4PKYN7cvwgnrHhbE9c-UP6Slo3XnP96Iqo usTfFyEVM&_rdr