Dear dennis as much as i have not read the Torontor
star,the ideas you have passed over are beautifuland i
agree withyou.
--- Dennis Raphael
<[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> Dear Editor of the Toronto Star
> Why is it so difficult for Toronto Star reporters to
> understand the the
> main factors that determine health are NOT exercise
> and health care
> funding? It has been known since the 1850's and
> reiterated in Health Canada
> documents since 1974 that the main determinants of
> health are the economic
> and social conditions under which people live.
> Knowing this, we would
> expect your public health reporter in her story
> about the health of
> Torontonians would have been able to make the
> important connection between
> the deteriorating economic and social indicators of
> Toronto she wrote about
> Saturday with the health outcomes of people in
> Toronto which your readers
> seem to be so concerned about.
> Instead we get the usual "blame the victims" whine
> about people not
> exercising. It is clearly in many people's interest
> to continue to extol
> the importance of what UK sociologist Sarah
> Nettleton calls the "holy
> trinity of risk:" -- diet, exercise, and tobacco
> use. Lots of funding is
> available for public health units to hire workers to
> support these
> questionably effective activities. Why a reporter
> for the progressive
> Toronto Star would continue to present this limited
> view of health
> determinants and ignore what every health researcher
> knows are the really
> important factors that determine health is beyond
> me.
> Dennis Raphael
> School of Health Policy and Management
> York University
> Toronto Ontario
> 416-465-7455 home
> 416-736-2100 x22134 office
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