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Social Determinants of Health


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Social Determinants of Health <[log in to unmask]>
Sarena Seifer <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 4 Jan 2010 14:45:09 -0800
MULTIPART/Mixed; BOUNDARY="-1903425009-43811785-1262625866=:16131"
Social Determinants of Health <[log in to unmask]>
TEXT/PLAIN (3458 bytes)
*please excuse cross-postings

Dear SDOH colleagues,

Community-Campus Partnerships for Health is pleased to announce the 7th call in 
our 2009-2010 Educational Conference Call Series on Building Community Capacity 
for Research!  Register online today at

The call is free of charge for those dialing in from the US and Canada. Access 
the audiofiles and handouts from past calls in the series at

WHEN: January 13 from 3:30 - 5 pm eastern time

WHAT: Citizen Engagement at the Canadian Institutes of Health Research:
From Governance to Community-Based Research (CBR)

This call will focus on citizen engagement activities at the Canadian 
Institutes of Health Research (CIHR), the Government of Canada's agency 
responsible for funding health research in Canada.  In 2007, CIHR embarked on 
the development of a Citizen Engagement Framework to guide the agency's 
meaningful involvement of individual citizens in both strategic 
priority-setting and in research processes.

During this call, participants will learn about CIHR's Citizen Engagement 
Framework and how it is being implemented at the macro level (eg, through the 
agency's governance structure, strategic planning and peer review processes), 
the mid level (eg, through Institute and branch initiatives) and the micro 
level (eg, through funding programs and tools such as community-based research 
initiatives).  Through the call, participants will be encouraged to consider 
ways they can contribute to public research funding agency priority-setting and 
research processes, as well as ways they can engage citizens more meaningfully 
in their work. A CBR housing study funded through CIHR entitled "Positive 
Spaces, Healthy Places: An Innovative Community-Academic-Policy Partnership" 
will also be showcased.

Speakers on the call will include:
*Chaidwick Leneis, Senior Knowledge Synthesis and Exchange Specialist in the 
Synthesis and Exchange Branch of CIHR
*Rosa Venuta, Senior Advisor, Citizen Engagement in the Partnerships and 
Citizen Engagement Branch of CIHR
*Sean Rourke, Executive Director, Ontario HIV Treatment Network and Principal 
Investigator of the CBR study, "Positive Spaces, Healthy Places"

Visit these websites for more information on the topics and projects that will 
be discussed on the call:


CIHR's Citizen Engagement Framework

Healthier Together: The CIHR Partnerships Casebook

Positive Spaces, Healthy Places Study

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Click on these links to sign up:

Community-Campus Partnerships for Health promotes health (broadly defined) 
through partnerships between communities and higher educational institutions. 
Become a member today at

Join us for CCPH's 11th Conference, "Creating the Future We Want to Be:
Transformation through Partnerships," May 12-15, 2010 in Portland, Oregon!

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