Sorry to hear about the cutbacks and your job loss, in particular.
It's a shame that the new government doesn't appear to value health
promotion. I'm sure the need for health promotion in the local health
system will become apparent one way or another (hopefully sooner than
I have found your contributions to this list quite valuable over the
years. Even if you're not sharing, please do stay a part of the
conversation, or at least keep lurking!
Ketan Shankardass, PhD
Assistant Professor
Department of Psychology
Wilfrid Laurier University
Assistant Professor
Dalla Lana School of Public Health
University of Toronto
Affiliate Scientist
Centre for Research on Inner City Health
in the Keenan Research Centre
of the Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute
of St. Michael’s Hospital
On Thu, Sep 13, 2012 at 2:58 AM, Malcolm Lewis
<[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> Australia's domestic response to the World Health Organization's (WHO)
> Commission on Social Determinants of Health report "Closing the gap within a
> generation"
> Information about the Inquiry
> On 22 August 2012 the Senate referred the following matter to the Senate
> Community Affairs Committees for inquiry and report.
> Submissions should be received by 04 October 2012. The reporting date is 27
> March 2013.
> Terms of Reference here
> I will probably be unable to put in a submission as I 've just lost my job
> and will finish up in few days.
> Consequently I have "got a lot on" as we say in Australia.
> So please do what you can submission wise, even if you are not an
> Australian.
> The new Queensland government has just decided that the prevention/health
> promotion that we do and the expertise we have is not to be funded any
> longer. Consequently myself all my Health Promotion colleagues in 17 Public
> Heath Units throughout the state of Queensland have lost our jobs.
> I hope I can stay involved in working to improve the SDOH but it's hard tp
> see how given the context for me at this time. So It goes. It's been a good
> gig.
> By way of appreciation, I'd like to say that I love this email group
> especially when it erupts to life like it has recently once again.
> I know from the analytics on the links I share that I get hundreds of
> downloads of the materials I post in this online community, and I know from
> these sorts of the conversations that people are reading and thinking what
> we all share. (dat around 5500 clicks on the links in the past 30 days)
> I started as a lurker and remain at that level for a few years and then
> gradually became a sharer and then a frequent sharer.
> This group has been a critical support to me, learning more about the SDOH.
> The data says I�ve posted 150 posts to this list over the years. And this
> will may be my last for some time.
> Because its so easy I'll probably keep sharing stuff i stumble upon with
> twitter via my @lewismal account using the #SDOH hashtag.
> Keep sharing, thinking and working folks. This stuff really matters.
> Cheers
> Malcolm Lewis
> Malcolm Lewis
> Health Promotion Officer
> Darling Downs Public Health Unit
> Southern Regional Services,
> Health Services and Clinical Innovation Division
> Queensland Health
> Phone 07 46319801
> Fax: 07 4639 4772
> Email: [log in to unmask]
> Address: 3 Bell St, Toowoomba QLD 4350
> Postal Address: PO Box 1775, Toowoomba QLD 4350 Australia
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