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Enrique Cardiel <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Social Determinants of Health <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 16 Apr 2010 14:20:00 -0600
text/plain (125 lines)
That's great!

In Albuquerque, New Mexico we are supporting the march and also beginning to observe May Day. We used to have several small May Day celebrations (the unions here were not that supportive so mostly small community groups). Then the immigration issue picked May 1 as their day and we had stopped. We are hoping to re-connect ALL workers!

Enrique Cardiel
Urban Health Extension Coordinator

"An extremely important and urgent public health project is to recover the representativeness of political institutions and make them accountable to the large sectors of the population that have been disenfranchised..." Vicente Navarro

-----Original Message-----
From: Social Determinants of Health on behalf of Nanky Rai
Sent: Fri 4/16/2010 11:49 AM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: [SDOH] May 1st.: March for Health for All! Status for All!
Dear SDOH Listserv.,
*We would like to invite you to march with the*
*Health for All contingent*
*to demand Health for All and Status for All this May 1st*

This May Day, hundreds of organizations are uniting and calling for Status
for All. By 'Status' we mean good food, jobs, healthcare, education,
shelter, housing, justice and dignity. By 'All', we mean all people, with or
without status.

Why march for Status for All?


This year we have seen the Conservative federal government continue to
dismantle our already broken immigration system.  We have seen immigration
enforcement enter into women's shelters and drag women and children who are
fleeing violent situations to detention centres. We have seen people without
status denied access to hospitals and healthcare.  We have seen the
acceptance rate for refugee quotas slashed by more than 50% from 29,000 to

What Does this Have to Do With Health?


Increasingly restrictive immigration policies are leading to high rates of
rejection of refugee and permanent resident applications. Such policies
leave many migrants in our communities with no access to health insurance.
It is doctors, nurses, midwives, and other health care workers who are
picking up the slack the government is creating - forfeiting payment,
stretching limited resources and dealing with the moral distress of having
to refuse services to those without adequate insurance. Even more unjust is
the fact that the 200,000 undocumented migrants estimated to live in Toronto
are forced to live in chronic fear of becoming ill, and to ignore their
medical needs until they become too dire to ignore. Afraid of being targeted
by immigration enforcement, people are forced to choose between the risk of
deportation or an unhealthy life.

As health care providers and patients we feel that immigration status is a
social determinant of health.  We feel that our ability to provide care
should not be determined by immigration status but according to need.  We
refuse to watch our patients and colleagues be victimized by immigration
policies that are motivated by trade relations and quotas instead of
individual experiences.

We are marching to build a city where all people can live with dignity and
without fear, with access to good jobs, food, healthcare, education,
shelter, housing, justice and dignity.


We are marching to build a Sanctuary City.


*We are marching on May 1st to say Status for All! Health for All!*


Thank you,

Nanky on behalf of Health for All
[log in to unmask]


On May 1, 2010 (International Workers Day)

March for Status for All!
1pm, St. Jamestown
Wellesley St. and Ontario St.
5th Annual May Day of Action

**For more details, videos and posters visit **

For information on Immigration changes as of October 2009, visit
For information on changes to the refugee system, visit


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