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Dennis Raphael <[log in to unmask]>
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Social Determinants of Health <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 8 Apr 2004 12:04:41 -0400
text/plain (73 lines)
CCSD Newsflash

April 8, 2004
( français ci-dessous)

What Kind of Canada?
 A Call for a National Debate on the Canada Social Transfer

This is the first document in a series that the CCSD will be preparing to
outline the issues and opportunities that face the country as a result of
the the newly created Canada Social Transfer.

If you asked most Canadians what happened on April 1, 2004 that could
potentially change the course of the country's future, you would probably
get a lot of puzzled looks. If you told them that the event in question
involved the creation of a new federal social transfer fund, their eyes
would probably glaze over.

So why is the Canadian Council on Social Development (CCSD) urging
citizens, communities and leaders across the country to pay attention?
Because creation of the Canada Social Transfer is one of those historic
opportunities that come along from time to time and challenge us to step
back and consider what kind of Canada we want to live in.

This is not a question that should be passed over without meaningful public
consultation and national debate. The new Canada Social Transfer offers an
opportunity to renew Canada's "social union" for the 21st century, and to
do it in a way that helps to renew our democracy by involving people across
the country in the discussion.

We have had, and continue to have, a long and lively dialogue on the future
of our health care system. The future of Canada's social programs has not
received the same kind of thoughtful scrutiny by Canadians. And it should.
The CCSD is issuing a call for a national debate on the Canada Social
Transfer and has drafted a four-point agenda to get the ball rolling.

Full document:  What Kind of Canada? A Call for a National Debate on the
Canada Social Transfer

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