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"Thompson, Kenneth" <[log in to unmask]>
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Social Determinants of Health <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 16 May 2006 00:21:15 -0400
text/plain (203 lines)
hi all,
i guess i was surprized at these results, though i should not have been..
part of the reason i started the us/uk dialogue on achieving health equity in post deindustrial regions was the sense i had that the uk had much healthier health/social policies..

has anyone ever looked at comparing canadians and americans on health status?  do you all in canada do anything like the behavioral risk factor survey we do in the US?

ken thompson 

-----Original Message-----
From: Social Determinants of Health on behalf of Dennis Raphael
Sent: Mon 5/15/2006 4:25 PM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: [SDOH] Slate Magazine...
Jolly Rogers
Why are British men healthier than American ones?
By Sydney Spiesel
Posted Monday, May 15, 2006, at 12:03 PM ET 

Earlier this month, a study in the Journal of the American Medical 
Association compared the health of a group of men in the United States 
with that of a very similar group of men in England. The researchers found 
a striking difference in the quality of health of the two populations?the 
Americans were sicker and died younger than their British counterparts. 
The results are anxiety-provoking because they can't easily be accounted 
for?and because one of the study's authors, Dr. Michael Marmot of 
University College, London, is a giant in the field. 

Marmot's new study compared two populations, one in England and one in the 
United States, totaling about 8,000 in all, with many similar 
characteristics. All were male, non-Latino whites between the ages of 55 
and 64. The researchers curbed diversity in this way in order to weed out 
extraneous factors. But in each group, the men ranged widely in terms of 
income and educational attainment. Thus, though the study primarily 
compared the health consequences of living in the United States or living 
in England, the researchers also looked at the degree to which 
socioeconomic status contributed to the health differences they found. 

Marmot and his co-authors?James Banks, Zoe Oldfield, and James P. 
Smith?asked the research subjects to self-report rates of diabetes, high 
blood pressure, heart disease, lung disease, stroke, and cancer. The 
researchers found that American men were far sicker with these chronic 
diseases than British men similar in age, ethnicity, and socioeconomic 
status. When these two groups were compared, the American men were worse 
off with respect to every disease the study included. Often, the 
differences were striking: 12.5 percent of the American men reported that 
they were diabetic, compared to 6.1 percent of the British men; the men in 
the United States were 1.25 times as likely to report high blood pressure, 
more than 1.5 times as likely to report heart disease, and 1.7 times as 
likely to report cancer. 

Could the difference have been one of interpretation?do American and 
British men respectively exaggerate or underplay illness? To rule out this 
possible weakness of self-reporting, Marmot's team considered studies that 
examined lab test results, so they could objectively corroborate the 
reports of the patients in their own study. The team found that, in 
general, for both groups the level of self-reported illness and the 
laboratory findings closely matched. (For instance, in England, 
self-reporting of diabetes was 8 percent higher than diabetes confirmed by 
laboratory testing, while in the United States, the self-reported rate was 
11 percent higher.) So, both self-reporting and lab results suggest the 
same thing: British men appear to be significantly less likely to suffer 
from chronic disease than similar Americans. 

There are many ways in which these results are not at all what one would 
expect. For instance, the United States spends a great deal more on health 
care than England does?2.4 times as much per capita. And other differences 
like the terrible state of British dentistry also ought to weigh in 
Americans' favor. It's long been suspected that dental and oral infections 
play a role in promoting heart disease and possibly stroke. Tooth loss can 
lead to poor nutrition and social isolation among the elderly, which 
increase the risk for illness and early death. 

So, how do we account for the apparent better health of Englishmen? This 
study shows that the answer doesn't relate to race or ethnicity. The 
researchers also showed that neither smoking (Brits and Americans smoke in 
about equal numbers) nor overeating (Americans do this more than Brits) 
nor heavy drinking (here the Brits have the edge) could account for the 
difference. So what, then?

Perhaps the answer comes from Marmot's previous research. As a social 
epidemiologist, Marmot's life's work has been seeking to understand the 
social determinants of health?for example, the extent to which poverty and 
inequality in the provision of health services leads to poor health and 
lower life expectancy. (Answer: a lot. For example, just under one in 
three children living in Sierra Leone will die before age 5, compared with 
three in 1,000 children in Iceland. The difference is a hundredfold.) 
Marmot's greatest contribution is probably the "social gradient"?the 
notion that in any culture the rates of illness and mortality are strongly 
affected by one's socioeconomic status. At any given age, the higher you 
are on the social totem pole, the lower your likelihood of illness and the 
longer you are likely to live. This prediction?that higher socioeconomic 
status means better health and longer life?is equally true in cultures of 
plenitude and cultures of material deprivation. 

In 1967, Marmot began the first of his two Whitehall studies? 
epidemiological research involving a total of about 28,000 British civil 
servants. Again, the group was selected to weed out diversity: The 
subjects were all male in one of the two studies, virtually all white, and 
none had physically demanding or dangerous jobs. But they ranged in 
employment grade from messengers and doorkeepers to the highest-level 
administrators. Marmot and his team examined the relationship between 
their employment levels and their rate of death from heart disease (in the 
first Whitehall study) and from other kinds of chronic illness (in the 
second study). The team found that men in the lowest civil-service 
grade?doorkeepers, for example?were three times more likely to die of 
heart trouble than, for example, administrators in the highest grade. 
About a third of the difference in death rate could be attributed to 
differences in risk: Lower-status workers were more likely to be obese, 
smoke, and spend less leisure time on physical activity. But other factors 
were clearly at work. 

The factor that Marmot found played the greatest role was the lack of 
control that people in lower status occupations felt over their jobs. This 
factor was an important predictor for risk of heart disease and 
depression. It was most acute when employees faced situations of high 
stress but had little autonomy in dealing with them. Women who felt they 
had little control over their lives at home also had an increased risk of 
depression and of heart disease. The factors that correlated with good 
health were a sense of being happy much of the time or of working in a 
situation where the supervisor was perceived as acting in a fair or just 
manner. High levels of both appeared to protect against heart disease. 

Marmot's work counters the strong bias among physicians and public health 
planners to understand the roots of illness and mortality in 
straightforward biological and mechanical ways. The professionals often 
want to blame dirty water, lack of calories, smoking, overeating, and poor 
access to modern diagnostic and treatment methods. No doubt all these 
problems contribute to illness and early death. But social factors also 
directly affect health, and not just through the obvious pathway from 
poverty to limited access to food or clean water or good medical care. 
Among British white-collar workers, good health and high status are 
intimately related, even in a health-care system that gives everyone 
access to good medical care. The same relationship holds true in America 
and in most of the rest of the world. 

We don't know yet precisely how a sense of low status or lack of control 
activates the biological mechanisms that cause heart trouble or other 
chronic disease, but there is clearly some powerful interplay. The 
critical point may simply be that unrelieved stress and anxiety are 
intrinsically bad for your health. Which forces us to ask the question: Is 
life more stressful in the United States than it is in England? Perhaps 
Marmot's next study will venture an answer.

Related in Slate
While Brits may be healthier than Americans, fat Americans may actually 
help increase the size of the American economy. In 2001, Steven E. 
Landsburg tried to find economic reasons driving America's burgeoning 
weight problem. The title of the best-selling book aside, French women do 
get fat, Kate Taylor found in 2005.

Sydney Spiesel is a pediatrician in Woodbridge, Conn., and associate 
clinical professor of pediatrics at Yale University's School of Medicine. 

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