The Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH)
and Dixie Bloor Neighbourhood Centre - Chronic Disease Prevention Community
Initiative (CDPCI)
Chronic Disease Management and Mental Health - a community forum
Tuesday, January 25, 2011, 1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Burnhamthorpe Community Centre
1500 Gulleden Drive, Mississauga
This event will bring together experts from CAMH and local community
agencies serving Peel Region to discuss the links between mental health and
chronic disease management. The keynote presentation and panel discussion
will highlight ways in which the overall health of individuals can be
addressed through strategies that promote positive physical health and well
being at the same time as the symptoms of the mental health disorder are
managed through medication and other means.
Keynote Presentation:
Dr. Pamela Kaduri
Psychiatrist, TEACH Program, Centre for Addiction and Mental Health
Panel Members:
1) Ilmana Fasih, Heart and Stroke Foundation: Heart Disease and Depression
2) Bruce Fligg, High Point Chiropractic Clinic: Pain and Depression
3) Dr. Pamela Kaduri, TEACH Program, CAMH
4) Nala Sriharan, RN, BScN, CDE, Canadian Diabetes Association: Diabetes
and Depression
This event is open to the public and will be of interest to mental health
and addiction professionals, as well as those who work in social services,
health care, education and settlement services. Refreshments will be served.
This event is FREE.
Please register at:
For further information or if your agency would like to have a display at
the forum, please contact::
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or Lorne Opler: [log in to unmask]
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