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Social Determinants of Health


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Social Determinants of Health <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 9 Mar 2009 17:08:10 -0400
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**please share widely with your networks
**apologies for cross-postings
CUHI invites you to attend the following Conversation Café hosted by our
Environmental Health Justice in the City RIG. We hope to see you there!

The Environmental Health Justice in the City RIG presents...
 Parkdale Conversation Café
Green jobs and the ‘green economy’:
Coming soon or pie in the sky?

with Special Guest Chalo Barueta from Banyon Tree Community Initiatives,
whose work reflects 
his passion for integrating social enterprise, green business development,
and community-building
Moderator: Blake Poland (Environmental Health Justice in the City network,
Centre for Urban Health Initiatives)
Thursday, March 12th, 2009 from 7 - 9pm
Mitzi’s Café: 100 Sorauren Ave.
Within a few short years, Germany’s solar panel industry grew to employ more
people than the auto industry in that country. Retrofiting housing to be more
energy-efficient, recycling, renewable energy and other projects aimed at
energy conservation and lowering green house gas emissions are expected to
create millions of new ‘green collar’ jobs at all skill and education levels
in Canada and around the world. And yet in the midst of wide scale economic
recession, the promise of a bright new green economy seems optimistic to
some. Where are the green collar jobs? Are they on their way? Who will get
them? Will they be jobs people want? Do you see yourself benefiting from the
new green economy?  Join us for a lively and provocative community
 What is a Conversation Café?  It is a forum, a space for public
conversation, where people from all walks of life can come to discuss
interesting issues. A guest kicks off the discussion with a few thoughts of
his or her own, but this is NOT A LECTURE, and there are no special experts,
just people interested in the topic and in dialogue. You can come to listen,
and/or to share your own thoughts. These public conversations are meant to
be fun, free, and open to everyone
All are welcome to join us at this FREE event!!!

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