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Social Determinants of Health


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Malika Sharma <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Social Determinants of Health <[log in to unmask]>
Sat, 19 Jun 2010 23:53:07 -0400
text/plain (49 lines)
Hi all,

Hope this email finds you doing well. Two great workshops taking place  
on Sunday at the
People's Summit:

1. Creating Health for All - From the Ground Up
June 20th, 10-noon
Ryerson University - SCC Room G

Despite Canada's perceived 'universal' health care system, thousands of
people residing in Canada are actively excluded from health care access on
the basis of 'immigration status'. This interactive participatory workshop
facilitated by the local migrant justice group Health For All explores the
causes of forced migration and discusses the systemic denial of healthcare
access to migrants in Canada. The workshop will highlight how local
community based campaigns, such as Access Without Fear, are fighting back to
create health for all from the ground up.

2. Emancipatory Healthcare: Local Resistance to Global Neoliberalism
June 20th, 1-3pm
Ryerson University - VIC 209

This panel explores the ground level impact of neoliberal economics on the
health of communities within this country. From moves to privatization of
medicare, to cuts in the Special Diet Allowance in Ontario, to the systemic
denial of healthcare access to migrants- the deep and broad undermining of
public services to further profit motives is being met by significant
resistance from an emerging radical left health sector within Canada. Join
local organizations- Health Providers Against Poverty, Justicia For Migrant
Workers and Health For All and Students For Medicare in a discussion on
local community resistance against neoliberal attacks on health.

Malika Sharma
PGY-3, Internal Medicine
University of Toronto

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