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Social Determinants of Health


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Dennis Raphael <[log in to unmask]>
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Social Determinants of Health <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 11 Jun 2007 19:33:51 -0400
text/plain (150 lines)
I am also pleased to let you know that video footage from the SOS Medicare
conference is now available online, including a speech by Stephen Lewis.
See below for a list of all the sessions you can watch. Thank you to CPAC
for making this available.

S.O.S Medicare 2: Looking Forward, Online Video Links

To access all sessions listed below, go to the CPAC website's Public Record
Archive, and scroll down to the SOS Medicare 2 conference. Direct links to
each session are also listed below.

SESSION #1: Tommy Douglas' Vision and the Future of Medicare

Introduction: Shirley Douglas, OC, Actress, daughter of Tommy Douglas

Keynote Address: Greg Marchildon, PhD, Graduate School of Public Policy,
University of Regina, former Executive Director of the Romanow Commission,
"The Douglas Legacy and the Future of Medicare", and Colleen Flood, SJD,
LLM, Faculty of Law, University of Toronto

Panelists: Hon. Allan Blakeney, Former Saskatchewan Premier and Minister of
Health, Monique B?gin, Minister of Health and Welfare in the Trudeau
Government, Tom Kent, Principle Secretary to Prime Minister Pearson,
"Forward First for Children", and Judith Shamian, RN, PhD, Victoria Order
of Nurses, "Home Care in Canada: The Unfinished Policy"

Panel Moderator: Bruce Campbell, Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives

SESSION #2: International Perspective

Keynote Address: Uwe Reinhardt, PhD, Professor of Political Economy,
Princeton University

Panelists: May Tsung-Mei Cheng, LLB, MA, Princeton University,
"Administrative and economic efficiencies of single payer systems", Josep
Figueras, PhD, European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies,
"Currents and Cross-Currents in Europe", Alan Maynard, PhD, University of
York, UK, "How to Defend a Public Health Care System: Lessons from Abroad",
Marcia Angell, MD, Harvard Medical School's Department of Social Medicine,
"The Truth About the Drug Companies", Arnold Relman, MD, Professor
Emeritus, Harvard Medical School, "Market-Based Health Care in the U.S and
Lessons for Canada", and Scott Sinclair, Canadian Centre for Policy
Alternatives, "Protecting Medicare from Foreign Commercial Interests"

Panel Moderator: Patricia Martens, PhD, Manitoba Centre for Health Policy

SESSION #3: Financing to Achieve Greater Equity

Keynote Address: Robert G. Evans, PhD, Professor of Economics, University
of British Columbia, "The Real Anti-Medicare Redistributive Agenda"

Panelists: Michael Mendelson, Caledon Institute of Social Policy, "The
Federal Role in Financing Medicare", Colleen Flood, SJD, LLM, Faculty of
Law, University of Toronto, "Equity and the Supreme Court post-Chaoulli",
Diana Gibson, Parkland Institute, "Expanding Medicare: Universal,
Accessible and Affordable", and Marie-Claude Pr?mont, PhD, Facult? de
droit, McGill University, "The Impact on Equity of Quebec's Bill 33"

Panel Moderator: Jack Boan, PhD, Professor of Economics, University of

SESSION #4: Health Care Reforms - Pharmacare, Home Care & Primary Care

Keynote Address: Michael Rachlis, MD, Author of Prescription for
Excellence, "Tommy Douglas and the Next Phase of Medicare"

Panelists: Linda Silas, RN, Canadian Federation of Nurses Unions, "A Human
Health Resources Strategy", Steven Lewis, Health Policy Consultant,
"Overcoming Barriers to Health Care Reform", Pat Armstrong, PhD, York
University, "Women and Health Care Reform", Joel Lexchin, MD, York
University, "The Case for Pharmacare: Equity, Economic Efficiency and
Improved Prescribing", Patricia Martens, PhD, Manitoba Centre for Health
Policy, "A Strategy for Mental Health", and France G?linas BSc PT, MBA,
Francophone Community Health Centre (Sudbury), "Completing the vision: The
second stage of Medicare"

Panel Moderator: Barbara Byers, Executive Vice-President, Canadian Labour

SESSION #5: Social Determinants of Health

Keynote Address: Monique B?gin, Minister of Health and Welfare in the
Trudeau Government, "It's About Equity and Going Upstream: Health for All
in Canada"

Panelists: Carolyn Bennett, MD, Former Minister of State for Public Health,
Armine Yalnizyan, Social Planning Council of Toronto and CCPA, Cathy Crowe,
RN, Street Nurse, Atkinson Economic Justice Fellow, "Dying for a Home",
Eber Hampton, EdD, Indigenous Peoples Health Research Centre,
"Miyo-M*hcihowin: Self-determination, social determinates and ethical
space", and Robert McMurtry, MD, University of Western Ontario, "The
Canadian Index of Well-Being"

Panel Moderator: Murray Knuttila, PhD, Professor of Sociology, University
of Regina and Chair of the Board, Regina Qu'Appelle Health Region

Stephen Lewis Luncheon Speech

SESSION #6: Getting There From Here

Keynote Address: Roy Romanow, Former Premier of Saskatchewan, Chair,
Commission on the Future of Health Care in Canada, Atkinson Economic
Justice Fellow, "Canada's Shared Destiny and the Future of Medicare"

Panelists: Danielle Martin, MD, Canadian Doctors for Medicare, Andrew
Petter, QC, Dean, Faculty of Law, University of Victoria, former British
Columbia Minister of Health, Elisabeth Ballermann, LLB, President, Health
Sciences Association of Alberta/NUPGE, "It's all about People", Maude
Barlow, Chairperson, The Council of Canadians, "Profit is not the Cure,
Committing to Health Care for All", Marcy Cohen, British Columbia Hospitals
Employees' Union, "Talking Solutions", and Doris Grinspun, RN, MSN, PhD
(cand), O.ONT, Registered Nurses Association of Ontario

Panel Moderator: Kathleen Connors, Chairperson, Canadian Health Coalition

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