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"Canadian Network on Health in International Development" <[log in to unmask]>
Ron Carlton <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 24 Nov 1994 23:43:00 PST
"Canadian Network on Health in International Development" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (187 lines)
SCDRYS is a Guatemalan Non Government Organization is working with the=20
victims of the war in the Quich=E9 Mountains.  The war left many orphans and=
widows following many massacres by the army.  The population of young people=
traumatized as children by seeing the murder of family members are now of=20
the age to marry and begin families of their own.  Many have severe=20
emotional problems.  No other organizations are currently working with these=
victims.  SCDRYS is developing a plan for preventive medicine in conjunction=
with a plan to improve self esteem. =20
We are looking for sponsors and volunteers for this plan.  If  you know of=
individuals or organizations who might participate with us, please forward=
this message and we will be glad to provide more information. =20
SCDRYS (Sociedad Civil Para el Desarrollo Rural Replicable y Sostenible),=20
1.      What is SCDRYS?
It is an Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) formed by Mayan men and women=
struggle for their survival in the Mountains of Quich=E9 (Chinique,=
Joyabaj, Canill=E1,=20
San Andr=E9s Sajcabaj=E1).  SCDRYS, are rural communities affected by the=
 war of=20
1980-1985 and who cultivate their small land properties (1 acre) as a way of=
exploiting the forest and migrating to the coast cyclically.
2.      Organization
We are integrated by a leading council and rural representatives.  This was=
the traditional=20
form in which Quich=E9s' towns gathered together to resolve their communal=
problems. =20
This is why we are trying to revive and renew this form of organization that=
promotes the=20
consent and participation of everyone.
3.      Objectives
Each community has a rural leading council in which, men, women, youth,=20
adults, and=20
elders participate.  The objectives of each leading council vary according=
to the basic=20
necessities of each one of them.  They all fundamentally pursue a common=20
goal which can=20
be summarized as follows:=20
-       Encourage participation in decision making.
-       Revive traditional forms of cooperation and mutual aid that our ancestors=
-       Promote the rational use of natural resources.
-       Promote a change in attitude and mentality in families who were victims of=
war. "We feel that we are useful and that we can, that we are important, and=
that we are=20
worthy as human beings".  "Make ourselves feel that we are strong because we=
have the=20
strength of hills and mountains".  "We were rebels and we will continue=20
being so by=20
respecting human beings and every manifestation from heaven to the heart,=20
and from the=20
heart to the earth".
-       Encourage the spirituality and culture of the Mayan village and revive the=
customs and wisdom of our grandparents.  Defend our culture and reject the=
adoption of=20
the values of another culture.  "We want to take back the past of our=20
nation, the nation=20
that by history belongs to us. We will recover those values that we are=20
ashamedly losing.=20
Together we will go back and work the land like the gods and spirits of the=
mountains saw=20
it before
-       Make our communities autonomous and not dependent though the study,=20
analysis, reflection and intervention of our reality.  We will accomplish=20
this by doing=20
replicable growth activities (easy to copy) with other neighboring=20
communities on the=20
mountain and steadily promoting projects. (projects that after institutional=
could be administered by the communities).  We believe that community=20
participation is=20
the way to reach this objective.
4.      Who integrates SCDRYS?
Farmers, men, and women leaders and representatives of the small towns in=20
the mountains.=20
"We are farmers because we are poor; we don't have land; the good land is=20
down there.=20
We cultivate corn and beans; what we harvest every year is not enough; it's=
only enough=20
for three months. In February we have to go down to the coast to earn money.=
We go=20
down there for a period of time and come back up to our home with corn to=20
eat. The=20
women stay home taking care of the animals and the little children". "I go=
down to the=20
village to sell firewood to earn money, I buy gas, brown sugar, and=20
peppers".  This is why=20
we say we are farmers.  When we get sick we cure ourselves with what the=20
land produces;=20
we also take aspirin or alkaseltzers, that is why we say we are farmers".
5.      How are we organized?
SCDRYS is organized by a regional council; 3 area councils and 20 municipal=
councils. =20
Every area council has the assembly as the highest authority integrated by=
from all the municipal councils.  These councils serve as a base of the=20
organization that=20
materialized our objectives and work philosophy. Each council is integrated=
as follows:
-       Coordinating committee (by zone, local)
-       Secretarial committee
-       Treasury committee
-       Education and training committee
-       Support committee
Each committee in each of the local area councils is integrated by a working=
(minimum 2, maximum 3).  Each of these members lasts 2 years in their post.=
They are=20
replaced alternately (one stays and one goes out) in an assembly for such=20
purpose, in=20
which each committee presents a report that contains:  Accomplished=
conclusions and recommendations. In short, is a report that narrates the=20
history of the=20
council, (systematization).
We develop literacy activities especially with the youth of both sexes.  We=
workshops to discuss our main problems and possible solutions, (example: the=
6.      Future actions
Short term:  We plan to develop a program on popular education, focusing on=
the change=20
of attitude and mentality in respect to the revive of our customs and=20
traditions.  We are=20
also interested in increasing the production of agricultural goods through a=
specific plan.
-       A training plan for the appropriate use of natural resources is a=
interest of the population.  We will search with interest cooperative=20
-       We also want to start a new program to support the nutritional needs of=20
and nursing women; in addition to a formal program of health and nutritional=
education. =20
The implementation of this program in the country side will include the=20
basic needs of the=20
different communities, (portable water, drainage, etc.)