Wed, 5 Feb 1997 10:17:34 -0400
John Bird is on-target (as he so often is) in his appraisal of Twain's
World. It's immensely valuable to have Twain's (almost) complete works
available electronically. You just need to be sure to have the Oxford Mark
Twain or the Mark Twain Project edition handy to check your quotations
against before you use them in public. Also, you get the movie of Mark
Twain at Stormfield, which to a hard-core Twain-fancier is in itself worth
the price of the CD. As for the lame cartoons, I hate them too; but even
ridiculous things can be put to pedagogical use. When I use the CD in
classes, I make the silliness of the cartoons into a running joke.
As for the Mark Twain Circular review of Twain's World, it appeared in the
July-September 1994 issue (vol. 8, no. 3). The authors of the review, which
is very well-done, are Debbie Lopez and Joe Towson.
--Jim Leonard