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JOSEPH B MC CULLOUGH <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 20 Oct 1995 14:16:06 -0700
text/plain (21 lines)
Concerning Mark Twain's Writings for the Buffalo Express, there is no
comprehensive collection of his writings that he published in that
newspaper between 1869 and 1871.  Many years ago, I completed such an
edition, but it was never picked up, mainly because there was an
assumption that U. of Cal., Berkeley would eventually publishe all of
those writings in one of its volumes.  My article "A Listing of Mark
Twain's Contributions to the Buffalo _Express_, 1869-1871," _American
Literary Realism, Vol. 5, No. 1 (Winter 1972): 61-70 attempts to identify
all of Twain's writings for the Express, including not only his signed
pieces, but unsigned editorials, items from his co-authored "People and
Things Column," and others.  Also, my even earlier  article "Mark Twain
and the Hy Slocum-Carl Byng Controversy," _American Literature_ Vol. 42,
No. 1 (March 1971): 43-59, treats the whole quwtion of authorship of
some of the Express items.  As I have a compoleted edition of the
writings of the Express, I have been tempted to again try to interest a
publisher, since there is still a need, in my estimation, of a collection
of all of his writings from this period.

Joseph B. McCullough
University of Nevada, Las Vegas