English version follows
SYNERGY EN DIRECT: Bulletins et nouvelles de la Societe canadienne de
sante internationale (SCSI), [log in to unmask]
Triste nouvelle
L'Organisation mondiale de la sante vient d'annoncer le deces de Jonathan
Mann et de son epouse qui prenaient place a bord de l'avion Swissair vol
111 qui s'est ecrase jeudi le 3 septembre 1998, durant la matine. Monsieur
Mann crea le Programme global du Sida et a demissionne de l'association en
1990 a cause de malentendus avec le Directeur general , Docteur Nakajima.
Panne de courant a la SCSI
Mardi le premier septembre a cause de problemes relies a l'entretien la
SCSI ainsi que les autres bureaux de l'edifice etaient fermes.Les systemes
de telecopieurs et les telephones etaient deffectueux. Le courrier
electronique faisait aussi defaut. Si vous n'avez pas recu de reponse a
votre message de courrier electronique veuillez l'envoyer a nouveau afin
qu'une reponse puisse vous parvenir.
Programme de stage pour les jeunes en sante internationale
Dans le cadre de la Strategie Emploi Jeunesse du gouvernement federal, la
Societe canadienne de sante internationale (SCSI) offre des stages en sante
internationale aux jeunes recemment diplome (e)s qui visent une carriere en
sante. Le Ministre des affaires etrangeres et du Commerce international
(MAECI) et l'Agence canadienne de developpement international (ACDI)
contribuent financierement a ce programme de stage.
Vous devez etre citoyen(ne) canadien(ne) et avoir une formation academique
en medecine, science sociales, biologie, administration de la sante,
dentisterie, economie de la sante, sciences infirmieres ou tout autre
discipline de la sante. La selection des candidats pour les differents
stages aura lieu de juillet 1998 a septembre 30, 1998.
Consultez notre page web pour la liste complete de stages : http://www.csih.org/yintern.html
La Societe canadienne de sante internationale remercie l'Organisation
panamericanine de la sante (OPS) et l'Agence de developpement international
(ACDI) de leur soutien financier envers Synergy En Direct.
SYNERGY ONLINE: Bulletins and News Briefs from the Canadian Society for
International Health (CSIH), [log in to unmask]
WHO just announced that Jonathan Mann and his wife were on the Swissair
flight which crashed on Thursday, September 3, 1998 in the morning.
Jonathan Mann set up the Global Program on AIDS and resigned from WHO in
1990 after disagreements with the Director General, Dr. Nakajima.
Power failure at CSIH
Due to building maintenance problems, the CSIH offices were closed on
Tuesday (September 1) along with other offices in the building. Phone and
fax systems were not operating. There were also problems with the e-mail
system. If you have not received an answer to your e-mail message, please
send it again, we may not have received it.
International Health Youth Internship Program
Within the framework of the federal government's Youth Employment Strategy,
the Canadian Society for International Health is offering international
health internships for recent graduates and undergraduates who are planning
a career in health. The Departement of Foreign Affairs and International
Trade and the Canadian International Development Agency provide funding for
these internships.
Contact us if you are a Canadian citizen and have an educational background
in medicine, social sciences, biological sciences, health administration,
dentistry, nursing, economics or another health discipline and are
interested in acquiring experience abroad. Selection for internship will
take place between July 1998 and September 30, 1998.
Please check the Website for a complete list of internships:
The Canadian Society for International Health gratefully acknowledge the
Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) and the Canadian International
Development Agency (CIDA) for their financial support of Synergy Online
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