SYNERGY ONLINE: Bulletins and News Briefs from
The Canadian Society for International Health
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"Together we can change our world"
February 4 - 10, 1996
The Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) and many of
its partners have started preparing for International Development
Week (IDW) 1996. The goal of this week, which will be marked
across Canada from February 4 to 10, is to emphasize the growing
interdependence between Canada and developing countries.
Canadians will have an opportunity to learn more about the
challenges faced by people in developing countries. The slogan for
this year's International Development Week is "Together we can
change our world."
Posters, logo sheets or calendars can be obtained from CIDA by
completing an order form or through its Internet site
( CIDA will also help groups who are
interested in organizing an IDW activity publicize information on
its Internet site. To include your activity in the calendar, send
your information (location, time, brief description of activity,
name of contact) as soon as possible.
For more information, please contact CIDA through its Internet
site ([log in to unmask]) or by fax at (819) 953-6088.
Semaine du d veloppement international 1996 (SDI)
"Ensemble pour un monde meilleur"
le 4 au 10 fevrier 1996
L'Agence canadienne de developpement international (ACDI), comme
plusieurs de ses partenaires, a commence a preparer la Semaine du
developpement international 1996 (SDI) qui sera celebree dans le
Canada entier du 4 au 10 fevrier prochain. Cette Semaine,
inauguree il y a six ans, a pour but de souligner l'interdependance
grandissante entre le Canada et les pays du Sud. C'est une
occasion qui nous est donnee de mieux comprendre les defis auxquels
font face les habitants des pays en developpement.
Le slogan de la Semaine du developpement international est, cette
annee encore, ENSEMBLE pour un monde meilleur.
L'ACDI soit heureux de mettre a votre disposition quelques outils
de communication (affiche, feuille logo et calendrier) que vous
pourrez obtenir par l'entremise du site de l'ACDI sur Internet
( ou en remplissant un bon de commande.
De plus, si vous organisez une activite pour la SDI, l'ACDI
mettrons a votre disposition leur site sur Internet pour vous aider
a la faire connaitre du public. Pour inscrire votre activite au
calendrier, vous n'aurez qu'a faire parvenir des que possible les
renseignements necessaires (lieu, moment, breve description de
l'activite, nom de contact) a l'adresse Internet ou par
Pour de plus ample renseignements, SVP contacter l'ACDI par
l'entremise du site Internet ([log in to unmask]) ou par
telecopieur au No (819) 953-6088.
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SYNERGY ONLINE: Bulletins and News Briefs from
The Canadian Society for International Health
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Location: Dhaka, Bangladesh
Starting: ASAP
Salary: Net Salary per annum: US $45,413 at single rate/ US
$48,824 with Dependents, plus post adjustment at 27.2 per cent
(Subject to change from time to time).
Brief terms of Reference are - to advise and assist directorate of
Nursing services in planning, monitoring and evaluating
nursing/midwifery component of Health services, in strengthening
system of Nursing Services Management and Supervision, in further
developing basic, post-basic and continuing nursing education and
in promoting research in Nursing.
Master's degree in nursing or related area and experience in
nursing administration and programme development required,
experience in nursing education desirable.
FAX/TELEX your interest and earliest availability, if selected.
Please also send your curriculum vitae.
For more information or to apply, please contact:
Dr. Sally Ann Bisch
Regional Nursing Adviser for Regional Director
World Health Organization
Regional Office for South-East Asia
New Delhi 110 002
Fax: 91-11-3319607, 91-11-3327972
Telex: 31-65031, 31-65095
1996 Health Communication Workshops
Interventions That Work, January 8 & 9, 1996
Facilitators: Larry Hershfield and Members of the Health Promotion
Registration Cut-off: December 29, 1995
This workshop focuses on effective health communication activities
developed and implemented by community agencies. Profiled
interventions will be relevant to today's health promotion
environment, well documented and evaluated, and easily reproduced.
Participants can select from a choice of presentations over the
course of two days. Issues related to effectiveness and adoption
of innovations will also be discussed.
Communication Campaigns, February 5 & 6, 1996
Facilitators: Peggy Edwards & Larry Hershfield
Registration Cut-off: January 26, 1996
This workshop provides an overview of health communication,
emphasizing its use at the individual, network, organizational and
societal levels. It integrates media, interpersonal and events-
based approaches. Participants will work through each of the steps
necessary to the planning of an effective communication campaign.
A 1 day Case Study Meeting will be held following this workshop on
February 7, 1996.
Evaluation and Pre-testing of Health Communication, March 4 & 5, 1996
Facilitators: Vicki Freimuth & Larry Hershfield
Registration Cut-off: February 23, 1996
Information and techniques for audience analysis and pre-testing in
health communication are essential for developing effective
communication campaigns. The workshop also explores practical
approaches to measuring outcomes and impacts of health
communication. A 1 day Case Study Meeting will be held following
the workshop on March 6, 1996.
For more information on upcoming Workshops, Consultation Services,
HCU activities, or to be added to the mailing list, please contact:
The Health Communications Unit
Project Office, Centre for Health Promotion
175 College Street, Toronto, Ontario M5T 1P8
Tel: (416)978-0522; Fax: (416) 971-2443
e-mail: [log in to unmask]
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