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Patricia Reilly-King <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 11 Dec 2003 10:34:26 -0500
text/plain (94 lines)
* Hepatitis A associated with green onions in the U.S. 
* Nursing Care - A precarious endeavor on the AIDS front lines
* Join the Canadian International Health Registry
* Canadian Public Health Association 95th Annual Conference
* The Magic of Christmas 2003
CV Network: The latest issue is now available 
The 5th issue of the International Academy of Cardiovascular Sciences'
newsletter "CV Network" has articles on "Promoting Cardiovascular
Research Worldwide" and the CIHR Institute of Circulatory and
Respiratory Health.  The newsletter is available at the Academy's
AIDS 3 / West Africa Project to combat AIDS and STIs (WAPCAS)
As is indicated by its name, AIDS 3 is the third phase of a major
Canadian cooperation project to support the fight against AIDS in
Africa.  Funded by CIDA, the West Africa AIDS Project began over ten
years ago. Operations during the third phase will continue along the
same lines as AIDS 2 and with the same partners.
Hepatitis A associated with green onions in the U.S.
The Canadian Food Inspection Agency and Health Canada are monitoring an
investigation by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) into recent outbreaks of
Hepatitis A in the U.S. associated with the eating of raw or undercooked
green onions (also known as scallions) imported to the U.S. from Mexico.
Nursing Care - A precarious endeavor on the AIDS front lines
In marking this year’s World AIDS Day on December 1, 2003, the Canadian
Nurses Association (CNA) said much work remains to be done to contain
the global AIDS crisis. Recent United Nations data confirm that global
progress in fighting HIV/AIDS is slow – and the HIV/AIDS crisis is one
priority of CNA’s international work.
New HIV figures underscore urgent need for AIDS treatment
Statistics released on November 25, 2003 by UNAIDS and WHO highlight the
urgent need to improve access to AIDS treatment.  On World AIDS Day, WHO
and UNAIDS revealed details of the global strategy to help three million
people get access to AIDS medicines by the end of 2005 - the "3 by 5"
initiative. Three million people died of HIV/AIDS this year, making 2003
the most lethal year so far in the history of the epidemic.
Join the Canadian International Health Registry
Join the Canadian Society for International Health's on-line Canadian
International Health Registry! Professionals seeking employment and
volunteer opportunities in health and development can let CSIH's
contacts work for them.  At the request of potential employers
(organizations, institutions and private firms), CSIH carries out a
search of the directory for an expert with specific knowledge or skills.
Let us help you connect! 
Canadian Public Health Association 95th Annual Conference
For more information contact: [log in to unmask]
The Magic of Christmas 2003 
Hosted by Wayne Rostad
A music concert in Ottawa, on Wednesday, December 17, 7:00pm at the
Centrepointe Theatre.  Featuring Michael Burgess, Susan Aglukark, Nancy
White, Shari Ulrich, Howe Sounds, and Michael Creber. For more
information see:

Patricia Reilly-King
Project Coordinator, Youth for Health II - Ukraine
Canadian Society for International Health
One Nicholas street, Suite 1105
Ottawa, ON  K1N 7B7 Canada
tel: (613) 241-5785 Ext. 328
fax: (613) 241-3845
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