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Dennis Raphael <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Health Promotion on the Internet <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 15 Dec 1999 10:44:32 -0500
text/plain (162 lines)
Dear CCPH Colleagues,

I posted the following bibliographical list of articles and books supporting
the direct connection between asset based community development and improved
health outcomes on another listserv.  Sarena thought it would be useful for
members of the CCPH listserv as well and I agree.  Please feel free to add
articles, journal publications or books you think are compatible with this.
The pieces range from the highly clinical to submissions in the alternative
press.  I have included some annotative comments as well.  Hope you are all
enjoying the holidays and getting ready for CCPH 2000.  My best to all.

Lisa Hadden
President and CEO
Center for Health Professions
Saint Mary's Hospital
800 S. Washington
Saginaw, Michigan 48601
FAX 517-776-8141
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Asset Based Community Development and Improved Health Outcomes Bibliography

Berry, Wendell. "The Community is the Smallest Unit of Health" Utne Reader 71
19995 60-61.
    (This article is one of several from this issue of the Utne Reader which
addresses ways of healing through the power of building community.  Several
other authors such as Dean Ornish, M.D., and Larry Dossey are included as

Frank, R.G. Thayer.J.F. Hagglund. K.J. Vieth.A.Z. , et al. "Trajectories of
Adaptation in
    Pediatric Chronic Illness: the Importance of the Individual."  Journal of
Consulting & Clinical Psychology 66 (3)  (1998) 521-532.
    (A study that shows sibling fighting is more predictive of the course of
treatment for juvenile diabetes than medical compliance).

Kawachi I. Kennedy BP. Glass R. "Social Capital and Self Rated Health: A
Contextual Analysis"
    American Journal of Public Health 89(8):1187-93, 1999 Aug.
    (The abstract states that individual-level factors [e.g. low income, low
education, smoking] were strongly associated with self-rated poor health. .
.the odds ratio for fair or poor health associated with living in areas of
low social trust were compared with living in high-trust areas.
Conclusions...Health advantages stem from social capital.).

Kawachi I. Kennedy BP. Lochner K. Prothrow-Stith D. "Social Capital, Income
Inequality, and     Mortality" American Journal of Public Health 1997
    (The abstract states that income inequality is related to mortality
rates.  It is hypothesized that income inequality is related to reduction in
social cohesions and that disinvestment in social capital is in turn
associated with increased mortality).

Kennedy BP.  Kawachi I Prothrow-Stith D. Lochner K. Gupta V. "Social Capital,
Income      Inequality, and Firearm Violent Crime" Social Science & Medicine.
 47(1):7-17, 1998 Jul.
    (The abstract states that decreased social capital is associated with
increased firearm homicide and violent crime.  Suggests that broader,
macro-social forces warrant serious consideration).

Krug Eg. Brener ND. Dahlberg LL Ryan GW. Powell KE., "The Impact of an
Elementary      School-Based Violence Prevention Program on Visits To the
School Nurse" American Journal of Preventive Medicine 13(6):459-63, 1997.
    (The abstract states that injuries and visits to the school nurse
decreased over a two year period due to interventions of a PeaceBuilders
Program [violence prevention program] in certain schools).

Morris, David. "Small is Still Beautiful: To Keep the Economy Healthy Go Back
to Main Street"     Utne Reader 1999, 24-27.
    (Morris purports that investing in community infrastructure as well as
civic structure validates the uniquely American belief that the key to a
healthy society is the broadest possible ownership of productive assets).

Newman, Margaret.  Health as Expanding Consciousness New York: National
League for      Nursing Press , 1994.
    (This is a fascinating book which makes the case for viewing a person as
an emerging pattern of the whole-that is embracing a unitary pattern of
relationships- that health and disease are patterns of life emerging from
interconnectedness with each other).

Neuwirth, Z., M.D.  "The Silent Anguish of the Healers:Patients Suffer When
Physicians Fall     Prey to Stress" Newsweek Sept. 13, 1999, 79.
    (The article stresses that the importance of a concerned and caring
doctor-patient relationships is only now beginning to be understood.  In
fact, scientific research is discovering that patient-health outcomes are
most correlated with the quality of the relationships that doctors establish
with their patients. .improvement in trust and adherence to therapy regimens
were most correlated to patients trust in their physicians knowledge of their
home life, health beliefs, and personal values).

Pert, Candace, B. The Molecules of Emotion: Why You Feel the Way You Do New
York:   Touchstone, 1997,1999.
    (The book jacket states that "her pioneering research on how chemicals
inside our bodies form a dynamic information network, linking mind and body,
is not only provocative, it is revolutionary."  Despite the emphasis on
molecular biology and neuro-peptides, this book is a highly emotional and
personable read).

Sagan, Leonard. The Health of Nations: True Causes of Sicknesses and
Well-Being New York:    Basic Books, 1987.
    (This book illustrates social ties as core predictors of morbidity and
mortality.  Un- fortunately the book is currently out of print).

Sapolsky, Robert, M. Why Zebras Don't Get Ulcers : A Guide to Stress,
Stress-Related Diseases,    and Coping. Stanford: Stanford Alumni
Association, 1994.
    (States Dennis D. Embry, "Immune responses tend to immobilize beings. . .
healing responses are likely to be turned on ONLY when perceived social
safety and connections are very high).

Shaffer, Carolyn, R.  Anundsen, Kristen. "The Healing Powers of Community:
How Creating    Community Can Enrich-Even Prolong-Your Life" Utne Reader 71
1995  64-65.
    (This issue contains several articles on health and healing by authors
such as Larry Dossey, Wendell Berry, Dean Ornish, M.D., and others considered
pioneers in healing circles).

Wheatley, M.J.  Leadership and the New Science San Francisco, CA
    (Margaret Wheatley is a Ph.D., in organizational behavior from Harvard's
Kennedy School of Government and this book is written from an organizational
development standpoint.  But a strong case is made that health emerges within
a business, corporation, a community if you will, through the power and
quality of building connections and relationships.  An human ecological and
health minded view of quantum physics).

[Attachments have been removed from this message]

Visit our Web Site for information about our Seniors Participatory and
Community Quality of Life Projects!  Free Reports Also.

  Long have I looked for the truth about the life of people together.
  That life is crisscrossed, tangled, and difficult to understand.
  I have worked hard to understand it and when I had done so
  I told the truth as I found it.

  - Bertolt Brecht

Dennis Raphael, Ph.D.
Associate Professor and Associate Director,
Masters of Health Science Program in Health Promotion
Department of Public Health Sciences
Graduate Department of Community Health
University of Toronto
McMurrich Building, Room 101
Toronto, Ontario, CANADA M5S 1A8
voice:    (416) 978-7567
fax: (416) 978-2087
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