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Sun, 3 Nov 1996 22:34:26 -0800
"Health Promotion on the Internet (Discussion)" <[log in to unmask]>
"Lawrence W. Green" <[log in to unmask]>
"Health Promotion on the Internet (Discussion)" <[log in to unmask]>
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Alison et al: 

Your question of whether theory should direct practice and community action
or be derived from it seems unnecessarily dichotomous. I prefer to think of
theory and practice, or planning-evaluation models and community action, as
cyclical. Theory informs practice, which produces experience and data which,
in turn, inform theory. 

You asked also whether there had been any published applications and reviews
of selected models. I can speak for two: Precede-Proceed and PATCH, which is
a derivative of Precede. Since Marshall Kreuter and I published the second
edition of the book, Health Promotion Planning: An Educational and
Environmental Approach, presenting the Precede-Proceed model, I have tried
to take more care to track the published applications of the model so we
would have an easier time when we approach the third edition (if ever). I
have a bibliography of some 500 published applications, some of them
commentaries and analyses of the model. I would be happy to send this list
as an attachment to those who wish to use it for word searches on the
applications in their areas of interest. 

Of particular note in reviewing the validation of the Precede-Proceed model
and PATCH, you might find the following works of interest:

Cook, Thomas J., Schmid Thomas L., Braddy, B.A., Orenstein, Diane (Research
Triangle Inst., NC). Evaluating Community-Based Program Impacts. Journal of
Health Education 23:183-186, 1992.

Dabbagh, Leila (Dept. Applied Health Science, Indiana Univ., HPER Bldg. 116,
Bloomington, IN 47405), Lawrence W. Green, & George M. Walker, "Case Study:
Application of PRECEDE and PROCEED as a Framework for Designing Culturally
Sensitive Diarrhea Prevention Programs and Policy in Arab Countries,"
International Quarterly of Community Health Education 12(4): 293-315, 1991-92.

Daniel, Mark and Green, L.W. (1995). Application of the Precede-Proceed
model in prevention and control of diabetes: A case illustration from an
aboriginal community. Diabetes Spectrum 8(2):80-123, Mar/April.

Dedobbeleer N. (Dept. Social & Prev. Med., GRIS Faculty of Medicine, Univ.
Montreal, PO Box 6128, Station A, Montreal, Quebec H3C 1A8), and German, P.
Safety practices in construction industry. Journal of Occupational Medicine
29(11):863-868, 1987.

Eastaugh, Steven R. (Grad. Sch. Business & Public Admin., Cornell Univ.) and
Myron E. Hatcher, "Improving Compliance Among Hypertensives: A Triage
Criterion with Cost-Benefit Implications," Medical Care 20(10):1001-17,
1982.  Based on dissertation of Myron Hatcher at Johns Hopkins.

Evans, Stephanie (Tufts Univ. Sch. of Med.). "Book Review..." Social Science
and Medicine 16:609-617, 1982.

Flynn, Brian S. (Office of Health Prom. Research, Coll.of Med., Un.Vermont,
Burlington, VT 05405), John K. Worden, Roger H. Secker-Walker, et. al.,
"Prevention of Cigarette Smoking through Mass Media Intervention and School
Programs," Amer. Jour. Public Health 82:827-834, 1992.

Glanz, Karen (Cancer Center, University of Hawaii, Honolulu) and Barbara
Rimer (Duke University Medical Center, Comprehensive Cancer Center, Durham
NC). Theory at a Glance: A Guide for Health Promotion Practice. Bethesda:
National Cancer Institute, NIH Pub. No. 95-3896, Public Health Service, U.S.
Dept. of Health and Human Services, July 1995. [Free from NCI, Bethesda, MD,
call Cancer Information Service at 1-800/4-CANCER]

Green, L.W., Karen Glanz, Godfrey M.Hochbaum, Gerjo Kok, Marshall W.
Kreuter, Frances Marcus Lewis, Kate Lorig, Donald Morisky, Barbara K. Rimer,
and Irwin M. Rosenstock (1994). Can we build on, or must we replace, the
theories and models in health education? Health Education Research 9(3):397-404.

Green, L.W. and M.W. Kreuter. (1992).  "CDC's Planned Approach to Community
Health as an Application of PRECEED and an Inspiration for PROCEED,"
Journal of Health Education 23(3): 140-147. [special issue on PATCH]

Green, L.W. and M.W. Kreuter. Are community organization and health
promotion one process or two? American Journal of Health Promotion 7(3):221,
Jan-Feb 1993.

Green, L.W., Louise Potvin, Lucie Richard (1996). Ecological foundations of
health promotion. American Journal of Health Promotion 10:(in press).

Hanson, P. (1988-89). "Citizen Involvement in Community Health Promotion: A
Rural Application of CDC's PATCH Model," International Quarterly of Health
Education 9: 177-186.

Hardin, C., and Hurlock, J. (1984). "Program Development for Promoting
Health: A Look at the PRECEDE Model," Community Health Matters (Toronto:
Ministry of Health, Dec. 1984), pp. 4-5, 8.

Hatcher, Myron E., L. W. Green, D. M. Levine, and C. E. Flagle (1986).
"Validation of a Decision Model for Triaging Hypertensive Patients to
Alternate Health Education Interventions," Social Science and Medicine 22:

Howze Elizabeth H (Community Health Education, Virgina Tech, Blacksburg, VA
24061-0326), Redman, L.J. The uses of theory in health advocacy: policies
and programs. Health Education Quarterly 19(3):369-383, 1992.

Hutsell CA, Meltzer CR, Lindsay GB, McClain R.  Creating an effective
infrastructure within a state health department for community health
promotion: The Indiana PATCH expereince. Journal of Health Education
23:164-166, 1986.

Hyndman, B., Libstug, A., Giesbrecht, N., Hershfield, L., and Rootman, I.
(Centre for Health Promotion, Univ. 
Toronto). The Use of Social Science Theory to Develop Health Promotion
Programs (Toronto: Health Promotion Branch, Ontario Ministry of Health,
Jan., 1993).

Johnson, C.C., C.R.Powers, W.Bao, D.W.Harsha, and Gerald S.Berenson
(Natl.Cntr.for Cardiovascular Health, Tulane Sch.Public Health & Tropical
Medicine, New Orleans, LA 70112-2824). Cardiovascular risk factors of
elementary school teachers in a low socio-economic area of a metropolitan
city: the Heart Smart Program. Health Education Research 9(2):183-191, 1994.
See Arbeit et al., 1992 and Downey et al., 1987 for more complete
descriptions of the development of this program.

Jones, Chester S. (Univ.Alabama at Birmingham, Injury Control Research
Center, Box 870312, Tuscaloosa, AL 35487-0312) and Macrina, David.  "Using
the PRECEDE Model to Design and Implement a Bicycle Helmet Campaign,"
Wellness Perspectives: Research, Theory and Practice 9(2):68-95, 1993.

Kaiser Family Foundation (1990). The Health Promotion Program of the Henry
J. Kaiser Family Foundation (Menlo Park: The Henry J. Kaiser Foundation).

Knazan, Y.L.  Application of PRECEDE to dental health promotion for a
Canadian well-elderly population.  Gerodontics 2:180-185, 1986.

Kok, Gerjo (PhD, Prof.& Chair, Dept Health Educ, Univ Limburg, Maastricht,
the Netherlands). Quality of planning as a decisive determinant of health
education effectiveness. Hygie: Int J Health Educ 11(4):5-9, 1992.

Kok, G. Health Promotion Planning: An Educational and Environmental Approach
(Second Edition)...[book review]. Hygie 10(2):48, 1991.

Kreuter, Marshall W. (1992).  "PATCH:  Its Origin, Basic Concepts, and Links
to Contemporary Public Health Policy,"  Journal of Health Education 23(3):

Levine, D. M., D. E. Morisky, L. R. Bone, C.Lewis, W.B. Ward, and L.W. Green
(1982). "Data-Based Planning for Educational Interventions Through
Hypertension Control Programs for Urban and Rural Populations in Maryland,"
Public Health Reports 97: 107-12.

Li, V.C., T.J. Coates, and L.A. Spielberg, et al. (1984). "Smoking Cessation
with Young Women in Public Family Planning Clinics: The Impact of Physician
Messages and Waiting Room Media," Preventive Medicine 13: 477-89.

Lomas, Jonathan (Centre for Health Economics and Policy Analysis, Health
Sciences Centre, McMaster University, 1200 Main St.West, Hamilton, Ontario
L8N 3Z5): Diffusion, dissemination, and implementation: Who should do what?
In Kenneth S. Warren & Frederick Mosteller (Eds.) Doing More Good than Harm:
The Evaluation of Health Care Interventions. New York: Annals of the New
York Academy of Sciences, Vol. 703, 1993, pp. 226-237.

McAlister, Alfred (Univ.Texas Center for Health Promotion Res. & Devel.,
Houston, TX 70025), P. Puska, J. T. Salonen, et al. (1982). "Theory and
Action for Health Promotion--Illustrations from the North Karelia Project,"
American Journal of Public Health 72: 43-50.

McGowan, Patrick (Arthritis Society of BC & Yukon, and UBC Inst. of Health
Promotion Res., Vancouver, BC) and L.W. Green. Arthritis self-management in
Native populations of British Columbia: An application of health promotion
and participatory research principles in chronic disease control. Canadian
Journal on Aging 14(Suppl.1):201-212, Aug. 1995.

Morisky, D.E., D.M. Levine, L.W. Green, S. Shapiro, R.P. Russell, & C.R.
Smith (1983). "Five-Year Blood-Pressure Control and Mortality Following
Health Education for Hypertensive Patients," American Journal of Public
Health 73: 153-62.

Morisky, D. E., D. M. Levine, J. C. Wood, et al. (1981).  "Systems Approach
for the Planning, Diagnosis, Implementation and Evaluation of Community
Health Education Approaches in the Control of High Blood Pressure," Journal
of Operations Research 50: 625-34.

Mullen, P. D., James C. Hersey, Donald C. Iverson (1987). "Health Behavior
Models Compared," Social Science and Medicine 24(11): 973-981. 

National Committee for Injury Prevention and Control (1989).  Injury
Prevention: Meeting the Challenge (New York: Oxford University Press), as a
supplement to the American Journal of Preventive Medicine, vol. 5, no. 3.  

Nguyen, Minh Nguyet, Richard Grignon, Michele Tremblay, Lucie Delisle
(Direction de la Santé Publique de Laval, 800 Boul.Chomedey, Tour A, 2ieme
étage, Laval, Québec, Canada, H7V 1X1).  Behavioral Diagnosis of 30 to 60
year-old men in the Fabreville Heart Health Program. Journal of Community
Health 20(3):257-269, June 1995.

Nguyen, Minh Nguyet, Louise Potvin, Jennifer O'Loughlin, Lise Philibert,
Jocelyne Moisan, Gilles Paradis, Michele Tremblay. L'épicerie aide-t-elle le
consommateur a choisir les aliments qui favorisent la santé du coeur? Une
étude exploratoire. Canadian Journal of Public Health 86(3): 185-187, 1995.

Parcel, G. S., D. G. Simons-Morton, S. G. Brink et al. (1987).  Smoking
Control Among Women: A CDC Community Intervention Handbook (Atlanta: Centers
for Disease Control).

Parcel GS, Swank PR, Mariotto MJ, Bartholomew LK, Czyzewski DI, Sockride MM,
Seilheim DK: Self-management of cystic-fibrosis--A sturctural model for
educational and behavioral variables. Social Science and Medicine 38(9):
1307-1315, may 1994.  This project received the Award of Program Excellence
from the Society for Public Health Education, 1994.  See also Bartholomew
et al., 1994.

Potvin, Louise (PhD, Ministere de la Santé et des Services Sociaux du
Québec; GRIS, Université de Montréal, Quebec), G. Paradis, D. Laurier, P.
Masson, J. Pelletier, R. Lessard, "Le Cadre d'Intervention du Projet
Québécois de Démonstration en Santé du Coeur," Hygie: Revue Internationale
d'Education pour la Santé 11:17-22, 1992.

Rimer Barbara K. (Depty.Dir., Duke Univ. Comp. Cancer  Center, Durham NC).
Improving the use of cancer screening in older women. Cancer Suppl.
72(3):1084-1087, 1993.

Rivo ML, Gray K, Whitaker M, Coward R, Liburd LC, Timoll M, Curry C, Tuckson
RV. Implementing PATCH in public housing communities: The District of
Columbia experience. Journal of Health Education 23:148-152.

Rochan, Alain ( la Sante Communautaire, Cite de la Sante de Laval,
1755, Boul.Rene Laennec, Vimont, Laval, Quebec H7M 3L9). "L'education
sanitaire, version nouvelle et amelioree (Rethinking health education for
use in Quebec public health programs). L'Union Medicale du Canada

Rubinson, Laurna and Lorraine Baillie (Univ. Illinois). "Planning School
Based Sexuality Programs Using the PRECEDE Model," Journal of School Health
51: 282-7, April 1981.

Selby, Maija L. (School of Nursing, Univ.North Carolina at Greensboro, NC
27412), Roberta Riportella-Muller, James R. Sorenson, Dana Quade, Mary M.
Sppenfield, H. Belle Potter, & Anita M. Farel. "Public Health Nursing
Interventions to Improve the Use of a Health Service: Using a Pilot Study to
Guide Research," Public Health Nursing 7(1):3-12, 1990.

Simons-Morton, D. G., G. S. Parcel, S. G. Brink et al. (1988). Promoting
Physical Activity Among Adults: A CDC Community Intervention Handbook
(Atlanta: Centers for Disease Control).

Simons-Morton, Denise G., Guy S. Parcel, Susan G. Brink, Christopher M.
Harvey, and Kathleen M. Tiernan (Dept.Community Med., Baylor Coll.of Med.,
Houston, TX).  "Smoking Control Among Women: Needs Assessment and
Intervention Strategies," in W.B. Ward & F.M. Lewis, eds., Advances in
Health Education and Promotion, vol. 3, London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers,
Ltd., 1991, pp. 199-240.

Smith, Linda L. (Sexuality Div., Calgary Health Services, PO Box 4016,
Calgary, Alberta, T2T 5T1) and Linda M. Lathrop, "AIDS and Human Sexuality,"
Canadian Journal of Public Health 84(Suppl.1):S14-S18, 1993.

Walter, H.J. and Vaughan, R.D. AIDS risk reduction among a multiethnic
sample of urban high-school students. Journal of the American Medical
Association 270(6):725-730, Aug. 11, 1993.

Walter, H. J. and E. L. Wynder (1989). "The Development, Implementation,
Evaluation, and Future Directions of a Chronic Disease Prevention Program
for Children: The 'Know Your Body' Studies," Preventive Medicine 18: 59-71.

Wilson, Richard W. (1986). "The PRECEDE Model for Mental Health Education,"
Journal of Human Behavior and Learning 3(2):34-41.

Windsor, R. A. (1986). "An Application of the PRECEDE Model for Planning and
Evaluating Education Methods for Pregnant Smokers," Hygie: International
Journal of Health Education 5: 38-43.

Windsor, R. A., and G. Cutter (1983). "A Randomized Trial to Evaluate the
Effectiveness of a Smoking Cessation Program for Pregnant Women: Study
Interventions, Methods, and Design."  In Proceedings of the Fifth World
Conference on Smoking and Health. (Winnipeg, Manitoba, July 10-15).

Windsor, R. A., G. Cutter, J. Morris, Y. Reese, B. Adams, and E. Bartlett
(1985).  "Effectiveness of Self-Help Smoking Cessation Interventions for
Pregnant Women in Public Health Maternity Clinics: A Randomized Trial,"
American Journal of Public Health 75:1389-1392.

>Date:    Thu, 17 Oct 1996 08:54:00 EDT
>From:    "Stirling, Alison" <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Health Promotion Theory & Practice questions
>In another e-mail list-serv on Health Promotion (called just that and
>operated out of Karolinska Institute in Sweden by Bo Haglund & Brian Flay)
>there has been a recent discussion on the theoretical basis and origins of
>'the settings approach' in health promotion (healthy schools, workplaces,
>cities/communities, environments).  The discussion, ideas and references
>have been far-ranging and have had contributions from all parts fo the
>world.  Although there has been discussion of case studies, stories and
>critical analyses of the "healthy settings" approaches, there does not
>appear to be much discussion [yet!] from practitioners about working in
>different settings  whether theory comes out in practice, and if theory or
>models should direct community action or be shaped by it.
>I receive many calls and requests for information from community health
>organizations and practitioners across Ontario, usually seeking ideas and
>examples of how their work can be done effectively, what has worked in
>different places and what has *not*, and how they can learn about community
>development in health.  Recently I had two calls from two public health
>units who wanted to look at some of the models that are being suggested for
>health promotion programming.  They wanted to know whether there had been
>any critiques, analysis and evaluations or comparisons of these models of
>community health promotion. In particular they were asking about:
>* the use of the PRECEDE/PROCEED model developed by Lawrence Green &
>Marshall Kreuter in community-wide programs
>* the PATCH model (Planned Approach to Community Health) coordinated and
>promoted by the CDC in Atlanta in the late '80s;  and
>* using mass media and point of purchase communications to influence
>peoples' attitudes, and behaviours who are in the precontemplation 'stages
>of change'
>Although I am quite familiar with the PRECEDE and PROCEED models, I have not
>seen analyses of these models in practice or evaluation of application of
>the models for community-wide health promotion programming.  Can someone
>suggest reviews or references that might be helpful?
>Regarding the PATCH model, there were two Ontario projects in the early
>1990s that adapted the U.S. state-wide PATCH model and reported on how
>applicable this approach was for regional areas with multicultural
>communities. As well, there was a qualitative review of the application of
>three PATCH model  programs to three CCDPP (Community Chronic Diseasse
>Prevention Programs) in Maine reported in the American J Health Promotion
> v.7 #3 1993 that provided a useful comparison.  In a commentary of that
>article, Green & Kreuter made an important point for all community health
>"Is community organization and participation a tool of public health, or
>should we view the more technical, linear, public health methods as specific
>tools of community organization?"
>I suggest the latter may be more appropriate, that health promotion methods
>and theoretical models can be used to support community mobilization,
>organization and development,  Are there studies, examples, and references
>that take this approach?
>Alison Stirling,
>health promotion consultant <[log in to unmask]>
>Ontario Prevention Clearinghouse <>
>Toronto, ON, M5B 2E7
>tel: 416-408-2121 fax 416-408-2122
Lawrence W. Green
Professor and Director
Institute of Health Promotion Research
Faculty of Graduate Studies
University of British Columbia
2206 East Mall, Room 324
Vancouver, BC Canada V6T 1Z4
(604) 822-5776
Sept.-Dec. 1996 (604) 731-1974
Fax: (604) 822-9210