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Health Promotion on the Internet


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Mon, 5 Apr 2004 10:37:45 +0100
Health Promotion on the Internet <[log in to unmask]>
Michel O'Neill <[log in to unmask]>
Health Promotion on the Internet <[log in to unmask]>
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>****  English below. Sorry for crosspostings. Please print, post and
>circulate widely. Thanks. / Désolé pour affichages multiples. SVP
>imprimer, affcher et diffuser. Merci. M.O. ***

>From: [log in to unmask]
>Date: Fri, 2 Apr 2004 12:09:35 -0500
>  2e Colloque international sur les programmes locaux et régionaux de santé
>                            12 au 15 octobre 2004
>                  Centre des congrès de la ville de Québec
>L'Association  pour  la  santé publique du Québec, en collaboration avec le
>ministère  de  la  Santé et des Services sociaux du Québec, a le plaisir de
>vous  convier  au  2e  colloque  international sur les programmes locaux et
>régionaux  de  santé.  Ce  colloque  se tiendra du 12 au 15 octobre 2004 au
>Centre des congrès de la ville de Québec.
>Le  thème  Les conditions d'intégration de la promotion et de la prévention
>dans  les  programmes  locaux  et  régionaux  de santé se décline en quatre
>sous-thèmes :
>·   Illustrations d'initiatives locales et conditions de leur émergence, de
>leur développement et de leur potentiel de transfert
>·   Conditions requises pour la réussite de l'intersectorialité aux niveaux
>local et régional
>·   Articulation entre les niveaux local, régional et national des
>processus d'intégration dans les systèmes de santé
>·   Débats soulevés par l'intégration, sur une base territoriale, de la
>promotion et de la prévention dans les systèmes de santé
>Dès  le  1er  juin,  le  contenue  scientifique sera diffusé sur le site du
>L'invitation  est  donc  lancée, à vous acteurs sur le terrain, aux niveaux
>local,   régional   et   national,  à  vous  planificateurs,  intervenants,
>gestionnaires du milieu de la santé, et à vous chercheurs, à venir partager
>vos   trouvailles,  vos  questionnements  et  vos  difficultés,  concernant
>l'intégration  de  la  promotion  et  de la prévention dans les systèmes de
>Les grands conférenciers : Pierre-Gerlier Forest (Canada), Evelyne de Leeuw
>(Danemark),  Marie  Armitage  (Angleterre),  Pieter  Degeling (Angleterre),
>Richard  Lessard  (Canada),  Ligia  de  Salazar (Colombie), Jacques A. Bury
>(Suisse),  Jean-Claude  Thoenig  (France),  Madeleine  Dion Stout (Canada),
>Robert   Perreault   (Canada),  Fran  Baum  (Australie),  Sylvie  Stachenko
>(Canada),  Peter Makara (Hongrie), Maurice B. Mittelmark (Norvège) et Mirta
>Roses Periago (Argentine).
>Inscrivez-vous  dès  maintenant  au  bulletin  de  nouvelles sur le site du
>colloque et n'oubliez pas de vous inscrire avant
>le 12 juillet afin de profiter du tarif réservez tôt.
>Bienvenue  à  tous ceux et celles qui veulent partager leurs expériences et
>acquérir de nouvelles connaissances !
>                        REMINDER  REMINDER  REMINDER
>The  Association pour la santé publique du Québec in collaboration with the
>Ministère  de  la  Santé  et  des  Services sociaux du Québec is pleased to
>invite you to the 2nd International Conference on Local and Regional Health
>Programmes,  which  will be held from October 12 to 15, 2004, at the Québec
>City Convention Centre.
>Submissions must deal mainly with one of the four Conference sub-themes :
>.  Examples  of  local  initiatives and the conditions for their emergence,
>      development and transferability
>. The conditions required for successful intersectoral collaboration at the
>      local and regional levels
>.  Linkages  between  local,  regional,  and  national levels in the health
>      system integration process
>.  The  debates  raised  by  geographically  based  integration  of  health
>      promotion and prevention into health systems
>Presentation abstracts (A, B and C : 250 words max.; D and E : 1,000 words
>¨    Write the title in upper case bold.
>¨    Indicate the names of the principal author and the co-authors. (
>Underline the name of the person who will be making the presentation.)
>¨    The text must be justified, single spaced, Times New Roman, 10 font
>¨    The abstract must be structured in the following way: Methodology/Main
>results/Main conclusions, questions, and successes drawn from the
>¨    We invite you to append a copy or diagram of your work tools.
>¨    Please append your curriculum vitae (2 pages max.), placing special
>emphasis on the training and experience related to the content of your
>Five types of presentation are possible:
>      A.   Oral Presentations (15 to 20 minutes)
>      These   15-minute   presentations   will  be  combined  with  4  other
>      presentations  in  a  2-hour  workshop. Each oral presentation will be
>      followed  by  a question period. The workshops, which will be based on
>      one  of  the  four  Conference sub-themes, will enable participants to
>      discuss  their  ideas  and  expand  on  the sub-themes. Reporters will
>      prepare a summary that will be presented in the plenary session.
>      B.   Poster Presentations
>      The posters (3' wide x 6' high max.; 91 cm x 1.82 m) will remain on
>      display in the exhibit room throughout the Conference. Periods will be
>      reserved to allow authors to answer questions and to talk to other
>      participants about their posters. The schedule will be provided to
>      you. Poster presentations will contribute to the development of the
>      Conference sub-themes.
>      C.   Toolboxes
>      These presentations will focus on the work tools that have been used
>      to disseminate research results and educate target clients. Each
>      toolbox will be provided with a space (10' x 6'; 3 m x 1.82 m) in the
>      exhibit hall for the entire Conference. Periods will be reserved to
>      allow authors to answer questions and to talk to other participants
>      about the toolboxes. The schedule will be provided to you.
>      D.   Workshops (2 hours)
>      The two-hour workshops will be made up of a maximum of five 15-minute
>      oral presentations, each followed by a question period. The workshops
>      will be incorporated into the Conference schedule based on their
>      theme. Reporters will prepare summaries that will be presented during
>      the plenary session.
>      E.   Symposia (2 to 4 two-hour workshops)
>      It is also possible to organise a symposium that brings together
>      specialists to discuss the integration of prevention and promotion
>      with respect to a specific health problem (e.g., the prevention of
>      breast cancer, mental health, etc.). The symposium must fall under at
>      least one of the 4 sub-themes. Whether composed of 2, 3, or 4
>      workshops, the symposium will be incorporated into the schedule for
>      the four blocks of workshops and will be open to all Conference
>      participants. If you are interested in organising such an activity,
>      please contact us before March 1, 2004. We will help you make your
>      activity a success. Just email us at [log in to unmask],
>      writing the word "symposium" in the subject of your message.
>All submissions must respect the following conditions :
>¨    Authors of oral presentations, posters, toolboxes, workshops, and
>symposia must assume all costs incurred for attending the Conference,
>including registration fees.
>¨    Authors may submit more than one proposal, but each must be on a
>different theme. Authors may not make more than one presentation in a
>¨    Authors submitting group proposals should complete one form only.
>¨    Abstracts must be written in one of the two official languages of the
>Conference, i.e., English or French.
>Abstracts may be drafted online at or mailed
>together with a diskette (Word document) to the following address : 2600
>boulevard Laurier, Tour Belle Cour, Suite 2680, Sainte-Foy Québec, Canada
>G1V 4M6.
>*    Abstracts must be received no later than April 15, 2004.
>*    A notice of receipt will be sent by email.
>*    The Scientific Committee will conduct the selection process and all
>      authors will be notified no later than June 1, 2004, as to whether
>      their submissions have been accepted or turned down.
>*    The Scientific Committee will publish the Conference proceedings. As
>      such, presenters must provide a more detailed document (1,500 words
>      max.) of their presentations. The deadline for remitting abstracts is
>      October 12, 2004. The texts together with a copy on disk for
>      publication must be given to the secretariat during the Conference.
>*    The best abstracts will receive special mention during the dinner show
>      on Thursday, October 14, 2004.
>Visit us at

Michel O'Neill, Ph.D.


Adresse Postale: Faculte des Sciences infirmieres; 4108-J Pavillon
Paul-Comtois, Universite Laval, Quebec, Qc, Canada, G1K 7P4.
Localisation de mon nouveau bureau: Faculte des Sciences infirmieres;
1038-F Pavillon Lacerte, Universite Laval, Quebec, Qc, Canada, G1K
tel: +1-(418)-656-2131 #7431; telecopieur: +1-(418)-656-7825
Courrier electronique: [log in to unmask]

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