Sat, 19 Apr 1997 14:14:39 PDT
Absolutely not! It takes some cultural cross-referencing to realize
The Great Wall of China was built as a reference to
"The Ugly American!" Their obsession (with pretty faces in
the mirror) impelled them to build a 1500 mile long monument
to "enlightened" managementto keep out the uglies.
Of course, they were then invaded from the other direction.
But by that time they had managed to float a barge made of marble
-- a complete vindication of their university system!
Previous "Ugly Americans" had crossed the Pacific by
land bridge or clever raft to escape the "tyranny of the pejoritive."
Alice Walker in _The Color Purple_ gives a clue why Europe
was inhabited by "white folks" -- because they were too ugly to
stay in Africa! (That's a loose paraphrase; regards to the author
and to all the accused).
Now, of course, the ugly people of the world all come to America
to be with their own kind.
And you didn't know this?
(No wonder they "profess" instead of "actualizing!")
Best wishes,