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Canadian Network on Health in International Development <[log in to unmask]>
Carmela Graziani <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 17 Mar 1997 14:49:28 -0500
Canadian Network on Health in International Development <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (140 lines)
SYNERGY ONLINE:  Bulletins and News Briefs from
The Canadian Society for International Health: [log in to unmask]
COCAMO seeks Field Director in Mozambique
Cooperation Canada - Mozambique (COCAMO) is seeking a Field Director who
will provide a wide range of technical and professional services to assist
Mozambican NGOs and community-based organisations carry out development
projects in Mozambique. The field director's duties include: developing,
monitoring and evaluating COCAMO-funded projects; developing funding
proposals for activities to foster the development of civil society, to
support emerging local development organisations, and to meet basic human
needs; hiring, training and evaluating staff; and promoting links between
Canadian and Mozambican NGOs. The applicant should have at least five
years' experience in international development, an in-depth knowledge of
the region, and excellent communication skills. The deadline for
applications is March 24, 1997. For more information, contact:

Cooperation Canada - Mozambique
Attn: Micheal O'Connor
1 Nicholas St., Suite 510
Ottawa, ON  K1N 7B7  Canada
Tel: 613- 562-3930; Fax: 613-241-5302; E-mail: [log in to unmask]

COCAMO recrute un directeur ou directrice outre-mer (Mozambique)
Cooperation Canada Mozambique(COCAMO) recrute un directeur ou directrice
outre-mer qui fournira un large eventail de services techniques et
professionnels afin d'aider les ONG et les organisations communautaires
mozambicaines a realiser des projets de developpement au Mozambique. Parmi
ses taches specifiques, le ou la titulaire aura a : gerer et suivre de pres
le programme de COCAMO au Mozambique; rester en liasion avec les ONG
financees par COCAMO afin d'elaborer, de financer, de suivre et d'evaluer
les projets; elaborer des demandes de financement pour les activites qui
favorisent le developpement de la societe civile, qui appuient les
organisations de developpement emergeant au niveau local, et qui repondent
aux besoins essentiels; engager, former et evaluer le personnel; et
encourager l'etablissement de liens entre les ONG canadiennes et
mozambicaines. Les personnes interessees doivent posseder au moins cinq
annees d'experience en developpement international, une connaissance intime
de la region, et d'excellentes aptitudes en communication. Date limite :        le
24 mars 1997. Pour de plus amples renseignements, veuillez communiquer

Cooperation Canada Mozambique
a l'attention de : Michael O'Connor
1, rue Nicholas, bureau 510
Ottawa (Ontario) Canada  K1N 7B7
Tel: 613-562-3930; Telec. : 613-241-5302;
courr. elec. : [log in to unmask]

CUSO seeks a Coordinator of Health Services
CUSO is seeking an Ottawa-based Coordinator of Health Services. Duties
include: ensuring that support is available to Cooperants, spouses and
dependents prior to and during their overseas posting, and that adequate
follow-up is available upon their return; providing support to the Canadian
and Overseas staff concerning health issues of cooperants; developing and
maintaining a knowledge base of health issues and policies; and developing
strategic plans for CUSO's health services. Essential skills and
experience: Bachelor's degree in nursing; a minimum of three years working
experience in international health and at least two years working
experience in a developing country; good knowledge of tropical health and
health promotion; excellent administrative, interpersonal and health
counseling skills; fluency in French and English; good skills in common
business computer applications (word processing, spreadsheet, database);
and a certificate of competence from a college of Nurses. Requirements:
flexibility to travel. Competition closing date: March 24, 1997. A full Job
Description is available from CUSO's Human Resources Department. Qualified
candidates should submit their resume to the following address:

Human Resources Department, CUSO
2255 Carling Avenue, Suite 400
Ottawa, Ontario  K2B 1A6  Canada
or fax to: 613-829-7996

CUSO recrute un/une Coordinateur/trice des Services de sante
CUSO recrute un/une coordinateur/trice des Services de sante qui sera base
a Ottawa, Canada. Parmi ses taches specifiques, le ou la titulaire aura a :
voir a ce q'un soutien soit offert aux cooperant(e)s, a leur partenaire et
leur(s) dependant(e)s avant leur depart et au cours de la periode de leur
contrat outre-mer; s'assurer d'un suivi professionel adequat aux
cooperant(e)s de retour au Canada; fournir des services d'information et de
conseils aux membres du personnel au Canada et Outre-mer, sur toute
question de sante affectant les cooperant(e)s; elaborer et tenir a jour des
banques de
donnees et des archives documentaires au sujet de politiques et de
questions de sante; et elaborer des plans strategiques pour les
services de sante de CUSO.

Competences et experience essentielles: diplome universitaire en soins
infirmiers; au moins trois ans d'experience dans le domaine de la sante au
niveau international et au moins deux ans d'experience de travail dans un
pays en developpement; bonne connaissance des maladies tropicales et des
dossiers de promotion de la sante; solides competences en administration,
en relations interpersonnelles
et en counselling; parfaite aisance en francais et en anglais; bonnes
competences en informatique administrative (traitement de
textes, chiffriers, base de donnees etc...); certificat de competence
reconnu en sciences infirmieres. Fonctionnelles: le cas echeant, etre
dispose(e) a voyager. Date de cloture du concours :  le 24 mars, 1997. Une
description de taches plus complete est disponible au Service des
ressources humaines, CUSO.  Les personnes possedant les qualifications
requises peuvent transmettre leur resume a l'adresse suivante:

Ressources humaines, CUSO
2255 avenue Carling, Bureau 400
Ottawa (Ontario)  K2B 1A6  Canada
Telecopieur: 613-829-7996

--------------------------------------------------------------------- International, Inc. presents a participatory development
--------------------------------------------------------------------- International, Inc. is organizing a six-day workshop entitled
"Using PRA Methods & Participatory, Learning and Action: Concepts, Tools &
Application in Participatory Development." The workshop will be held from
May 19-24, 1997 in Ottawa, Canada. This is a practical, iterative and
hands-on workshop designed for community activists, international
development practitioners, native facilitators and leaders, participatory
researchers and educators, development program officers, and NGOs in both
North and South. Methods and tools can be applied to North America and
overseas, in both urban and rural settings. The workshop will combine
experiential learning with practical field assignments. Enrollment is
limited to 25. For more information, or to register, contact: International, Inc.
705 Roosevelt Ave.
Ottawa, ON  K2A 2A8 Canada
Tel: 819-459-3705; Fax: 613-728-1154; E-mail: [log in to unmask] or
[log in to unmask]
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