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Health Promotion on the Internet


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Red de Administracion Hospitalaria <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Health Promotion on the Internet (Discussion)
Tue, 11 Feb 1997 12:44:00 -0300
text/plain (2206 bytes) , application/ms-tnef (2778 bytes)
Hi  !!
My name is Juan Martin and I am writing you from Argentina.
I am interested in everythig about Health care/administration meetings.
Would you mind sending me the Calendar Meetings you know for this year and the following years ?, maybe an Internet adress about that point.
Thanke you and excuse my english.

From:   Michel O'Neill[SMTP:[log in to unmask]]
Sent:   Saturday, February 08, 1997 11:27 AM
To:     Multiple recipients of list CLICK4HP
Subject:        Summer School and Conference 1997

FYI, forwarded from the HEALTH-PROMOTION <[log in to unmask]>
listserv, if some of you want to go to Ireland for a bit of summer vacation.


>The Department of Health Promotion, University College Galway, Ireland, is
>holding a summer school in Health Promotion from the 7th to the 25th July 1997.
>A two day conference covering the themes - the interface between Health
>Promotion and Public Health and Environmental Hazards/Environmental Health
>Promotion will be a central part of the summer school and will be held on the
>10th and 11th July 1997,
>For further information please contact,
>Mary Cooke
>Department of Health Promotion
>Clinical Science Institute
>University College
>Galway, Ireland
>Telephone : 353-91-750454 (Direct) or 353-91-524411
>Fax : 353-91-750547
>Email : [log in to unmask]

Une tres bonne journee.

Michel O'Neill, Ph.D.

Professeur titulaire et Codirecteur, Groupe de recherche et d'intervention
en promotion de la sante (GRIPSUL), Ecole des Sciences infirmieres,
4108-J Pavillon Comtois, Universite Laval, Quebec, Qc, Canada, G1K 7P4.
tel: +1-(418)-656-2131 #7431; telecopieur: +1-(418)-656-7747
Courrier electronique: [log in to unmask]

Codirecteur, Centre quebecois collaborateur de l'OMS pour le developpement
de villes et villages en sante / Quebec WHO Collaborating Center for the
development of healthy cities and towns,
2400 D'estimauville, Beauport, Qc, Canada, G1E 7G9.
tel: +1-(418)-666-7000 #461; telecopieur: +1-(418)-666-2776
Courrier electronique:[log in to unmask]