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Canadian Network on Health in International Development <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 29 Nov 1996 22:31:44 GMT
Gary Eikenberry <[log in to unmask]>
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Gary Eikenberry Consulting for CSIH
text/plain (54 lines)
             SYNERGY ONLINE:  Bulletins and News Briefs from
    The Canadian Society for International Health: [log in to unmask]

Tribute to Tim Stone
It is with deep sorrow that we confirm the untimely death of Tim Stone,
Executive Director of  PATH Canada.  Tim, 42, was killed in the crash of
an Ethiopian airliner off the Comoros Islands last Saturday, November 23.

The plane was hijacked on its way from Addis Ababa to Nigeria.  Tim was
on a mission to develop projects for reducing child mortality.

PATH Canada is a non-profit, non-government organization devoted to
improving health, especially of women and children, in developing regions
of the world.  PATH Canada bridges the gap between user and provider of
primary health care services.  Over the last three years as Executive
Director of the PATH Canada, Tim developed the organization from its
modest beginnings to an institution that could be depended on for
reliable and innovative approaches to some of the most pressing health
development issues of our time.  Under Tim's leadership, PATH Canada has
become involved in programs in the areas of malaria prevention,
micronutrient malnutrition, HIV/AIDS, and tobacco control research.  He
also provided support for many initiatives including the global movement
to ban landmines.

Tim is highly regarded by all who worked with him, for his warmth, his
dedication, his humanity, his humour, and his humility.  Tim believed
deeply in everything he did, and did only what he truly believed in.  He
had a truly remarkable way of drawing the best out of anyone who was
touched by him.

CSIH would like to recognize Tim's achievements and his humanity in the
upcoming issue of Synergy (the hard copy newsletter).  We invite any of
you who knew Tim to send us your personal reflections  which we will try
to include in the tribute.  Any comments that we cannot use will be
passed on to the family, his wife Jean Lash and their two young
children, Clare, 6 and David, 3.

In Tim's memory, the family has requested that donations be made to a
memorial fund set up by PATH Canada to support the project development
activities to which Tim dedicated his life and which PATH Canada is
devoted to continuing.  PATH Canada is a registered charity.  Donations
can be sent to:
  PATH Canada, 902-170 Laurier Avenue West, Ottawa ON, Canada  K1P 5V5.

A memorial service will be held at 1 pm on Sunday December 1 at Trinity
Anglican Church in Ottawa, Bank Street at Cameron.
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