Mas Hari Kus,
Ini mungkin perlu bagi kita (IKM, MMR) yang mempunyai program jarak juah
elektronik. Kalau mau, saya order. Eh, motif saya ini adalah bagaimana
kesempatan saya sekarang ini bisa dipakai sebagai 'boundary spanner' bagi
organisasi IKM dan MMR sehingga sumber-sumber yang ada di lingkungan
akademik (khususnya di Amerika) yang berkaitan dengan misi pendidikan dan
riset kita dapat dipakai dengan sebaik-baiknya untuk staff dan juga
kemajuan pendidikan jarak jauh, yang kita sudah 'lead' daripada universitas
lain. Cu i ilee.. Termasuk katanya ingin belikan scanner agar saya lebih
mudah mengirimkan informasi ke Yogya ('maling' asal bukan untuk bisnis kan
ora po po). Juga kelihatannya riset saya mau tidak mau berurusan dengan
sistem informasi pelayanan kesehatan karena saya mengutak-atik medical
record sebagai sarana informasi penetapan hospital performance. Saya tunggu
tanggapannya (termasuk juga dari Pak Coco). Salam hangat. Mubasyir.
Internet, Telematics, and Health
The Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), Regional Office of the
World Health Organization, is announcing the release of a new
publication and accompanying CD-ROM: "Internet, Telematics, and
Health." This ground-breaking review of health care in the
information age is offered at a discount to all Canchid list
This new release contains contributions from over 80 of the most
eminently qualified specialists in medical informatics from more than
20 countries in North America, Latin America, and Europe. Their
papers provide a global view of the potential of the Internet and the
role of informatics in health care. This ground-breaking publication
offers rigorous academic, political, and professional approaches to
the health-related impact of informatics, from first-hand experiences
around the world to practical guidance on how to begin using the
Internet or enhance its use in the health care field.
The book also presents a range of informatics and telematics
applications available nowadays to medicine and examples of how people
with a health concern are using the Internet in both industrialized
and developing countries. A CD-ROM, containing a directory of
health-related sites on the World Wide Web is also included.
Produced with the resources of such institutions as the PAHO, the
Medical Informatics Foundation of Argentina, and the European
Commission, this book is an essential reference for doctors, other
health professionals, planners, managers, teachers, and students. It
also provides valuable information for patients and members of the
general public who want to know more about their own health
maintenance and protection.
PAHO is offering Canchid list subscibers a 10% discount off the list
price of $79.00 for the book and CD-ROM set, plus $6.00 shipping and
handling within the U.S. and $7.00 outside the U.S. Additional
discounts are available for purchases of ten or more copies. For more
information or to order, mention promotion INTE01 and contact:
Shana Vickers
PAHO Publications Program
525 Twenty-third Street, NW
Washington DC 20037
Tel: (202) 974-3056
Fax: (202) 338-0869
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