Tue, 20 Aug 2024 20:43:13 -0700
I saw that it was mentioned in the same DBD entry as About Play-Acting
but the short story, which I only breezed through, didn't seem to
relate. I must read it more carefully again.
On 8/20/24 20:21, Matt Seybold wrote:
> Hey, Scott. I think the letter is to an editor, requesting last minute edits to the essay “About Play-Acting” in which you will find the line you quote. - MS
>> On Aug 20, 2024, at 11:02 PM, Scott Holmes<[log in to unmask]> wrote:
>> I found this quote in the August 11, 1898 entry in Day By Day:
>> “And in still another panic of fright we have this same tough Civilization saving its Honor by condemning an innocent man to multiform death & hugging & whitewashing the guilty one” [MTP; Aug 3 to Rogers].
>> The test of the letter is not readily available and I am wondering if this was in regards to Dreyfus.
>> --
>> /*Unaffiliated Geographer and Twain aficionado*/
>> Visit B. Scott Holmes<https://bscottholmes.com>
>> Twain's Geography<https://twainsgeography.com>
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