Sat, 1 Mar 1997 20:37:30 -0500
Colleague dearest,
That's "Halley's" with two (2) Ls and it's Susy with a Y, not an IE. and I
know what the Paige typesetter looks like because I stop by the house on
Farmington Avenue a few times a year and go down into the cellar to take
on the poor machine. If it weren't for that danged Mergenthaler beating
out, I could've been spared a career in journalism and instead been a river
pilot, as I originally envisioned myself at 10 or thereabouts. In my
as a journalist, I have excised enough "the" s from HUCK FINN to build one
sumbitch of a raft.
I have never, however, taken SLC up on his desire to shoot anyone who found
meaning in the book. Though I have been tempted, and more than once, with
Jane Smiley's address, too. But I hung fire.
Kathy O'Connell