Fri, 28 Feb 1997 01:06:51 -0700
i picked up the 24 vol. _American Artists Edition: The Complete Works of
Mark Twain_ in 1992 at a used bookstore for $60. the editions are actually
from multiple years, so i am sure that decreases the value somewhat.
you may want to try looking the set up in _Bookman's Price Index_ which
they should have in the reference section of your library if it is a
university library--not so sure a public library would have it.
good luck!
kathy farretta
On Thu, 27 Feb 1997, Timothy E. Barker wrote:
> Speaking of Twain editions...
> I have access to a 24 vol. set of Twain's writings published in 1923 by
> Harper. I'm very tempted. The price is $150, and the books look to be
> in very good (pages yellowed a bit as one would expect) condition. Any
> comments or encouragement would be much appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Tim Barker