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Health Promotion on the Internet <[log in to unmask]>
"d.raphael" <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 26 Mar 2000 19:50:27 -0500
cc: Spirit of 1848 <[log in to unmask]>, HPLINK <[log in to unmask]>
Health Promotion on the Internet <[log in to unmask]>
TEXT/PLAIN (150 lines)
"Social Inequities in Public Health"
Dennis Raphael, University of Toronto, e-mail: [log in to unmask]
Presentation Made at the Public Health Partnership 2000 Conference:
Celebrating a Century of Success
Friday April 7, 2000, Earl Brown Heritage Centre, Brooklyn Centre, Minnesota

Key References

Overviews of the Economic Inequality and Health Relationship
        Daniels, N., Kennedy, B. & Kawachi, I. (2000). Justice is good for our
health: How greater economic equality would promote public health. Boston
Review, 25 (1), 4-21. On-line at
        Kawachi, I., Kennedy, B.P., & Wilkinson, R.G. (eds.) (1999). Income
inequality and health.  New York: New Press. [set of 40 key readings in the
        International Health Program (1999). Health and income equity web site.
University of Washington and Health Alliance International. On-line at
        Montague, P (1996).  Economic inequality and health.  Rachel's
Environment & Health Weekly #497.  Annapolis, IN: Environmental Research
Foundation. On-line at
        Montague, P. (1998). Major causes of ill health. Rachel's Environment &
Health Weekly #584. On-line at
        Wilkinson, R. G. (1996). Unhealthy societies: The afflictions of
inequality.  NY: Routledge.     Wilkinson, R. G. & Marmot, M. (eds) (1998).
Social determinants of health: The solid facts. Copenhagen: World Health
Organization.  On-line at

British Overviews of Health Inequalities
        Acheson, D. (1998).  Independent Inquiry into inequalities in health.
Stationary Office: London: UK . On-line at http://
        Gordon, D., Shaw, M., Dorling, D. &  Davey Smith, G. (eds). (1999).
Inequalities in health: The evidence presented to the independent inquiry into
inequalities. Bristol UK: The Policy Press. Available through
        Shaw, M., Dorling, D., Gordon, D. & Davey Smith, G. (1999).  The
widening gap: Health inequalities and policy in Britain.  Bristol UK: The Policy
Press. Available through
        Townsend, P., Davidson, N., & Whitehead, M. (Eds) (1992).  Inequalities
in health: the Black report and the Health divide. New York: Penguin.

Canadian Overviews of Health Inequalities
        Canadian Institute on Children's Health (1994). The health of Canada's
children: A CICH profile. Ottawa: Author.
        Ross, D. P. & Roberts, P. (1999).  Income and child well-being: A new
perspective on the poverty debate. Ottawa: Canadian Council on Social
Development.  On-line at
        Townsend, M. (1998).  Health and wealth.  Ottawa: Canadian Centre for
Policy Alternatives. Available through

United States Overviews of Health Inequalities
        Office of Minority Health, Minnesota (1997). Populations of color in
Minnesota: Health status report. Minneapolis: Minnesota Department of Health.
        US Department of Health and Human Services (1998). Health, United
States, 1998: Socioeconomic status and health chartbook. On-line at

How Economic Inequality Affects Health
        Bartley, M.,  Blane, D., & Montgomery, S. (1997). Health and the life
course: Why safety nets matter.  British Medical Journal, 314, 1194-1196.
On-line at
        British Medical Journal (1996). Editorial: The big idea. British Medical
Journal, 312, 985. On-line at
        Coburn, D. (in press). Income inequality, lowered social cohesion, and
the poorer health status of populations: the role of neo-liberalism.  Social
Science and Medicine.
        Glyn, A. & Millibrant, D. (1994).  Paying for inequality: The economic
cost of social injustice. London UK: IPPR/Rivers Press.
        Lynch, J. W., Davey Smith, G., Kaplan, G. A., & House, J. S. (in press).
Income inequality and health: a neo-material interpretation. British Medical
        Raphael, D. (in press). From increasing poverty to societal
disintegration: How economic inequality affects the health of individuals and
communities.  In  H. Armstrong, P. Armstrong, & D. Coburn (eds.), The political
economy of health and health care in Canada. Toronto: Oxford University Press.
        Raphael, D. (in press). Health effects of inequality.  Canadian Review
of Social Policy.
        Smith, G. D. (1996).  Editorial: Income inequality and mortality: Why
are they related?  British Medical Journal, 312, 987-988. On-line at

Policy Studies
        Auerbach, J. & Belous, R. (eds) (1998).  The inequality paradox: Growth
of income disparity.  Washington DC: National Policy Association.
        Galbraith, J. (1998). Created unequal:  The crisis in American pay.  NY:
The Free Press.
        Laxer, J. (1998). The undeclared war: Class conflict in the age of
cyber-capitalism.  Toronto: Viking.
        Muntaner, C. & Lynch, J. (1999).  Income inequality, social cohesion,
and class relations: a critique of Wilkinson's neo-Durkheimian research program.
International Journal of Health Services, 29, 59-81.
        Rainwater, L. & Smeeding, T. (1995). Doing poorly: the real income of
American children in a comparative perspective. Working Paper 127, Luxembourg
Income Study.  On-line at; then
        Wolff, E. N. (1995). Top heavy: The increasing inequality of wealth in
America and what can be done about it. New York: The New Press.
        Yalnizyan, A. (1998).  The growing gap: a report on growing inequality
between the rich and poor in Canada.  Toronto: Centre for Social Justice.
Available through
        Yalnizyan, A. (2000). Canada's great divide: The politics of the growing
gap between rich and poor in the 1990's. Toronto: Centre for Social Justice.
Available through

Health Sector Responses to Health Inequalities
        Canadian Public Health Association (1996). Action statement on health
promotion. Ottawa: Author. On-line at
        Health Canada (1998). Taking action on population health:  a position
paper for Health Promotion and Programs Branch Staff.  Ottawa: Health Canada.
On-line at
        Minkler, M. (ed). (1997). Community organizing and community building
for health. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press.
        Orfield, M. (1997).  Metropolitics: A regional agenda for community and
stability.  Washington DC: Brookings Institution Press.
        Pantazis, C. & Gordon, D. (eds.) (2000).  Tackling inequalities: Where
are we now and what can be done?  Bristol UK: Policy Press. Available through
        Raphael, D. (in press). Health inequalities in Canada: Current
discourses and implications for public health action. Critical Public Health.
        Raphael, D. (1998).  Public health responses to health inequalities.
Canadian Journal of Public Health, 89, 380-381.
        Raphael D., Steinmetz, B., & Renwick R (1999). The community quality of
life project: A health promotion approach to understanding communities. Health
Promotion International, 14, 197-210.

Alternative Approaches to Public Health Action
        Davies, J. & Macdonald, G. (1998). Quality, evidence, and effectiveness
in health promotion: Striving for certainties. London UK: Routledge.
        Hancock, T. & Minkler, M. (1997).  Community health assessment or
healthy community assessment: Whose community? Whose health? Whose assessment?
In M. Minkler, (ed). Community organizing and community building for health,
pps. 139-156. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press.
        Labonte, R. (1999).  Health promotion in the near future: Remembrances
of activism past.  Health Education Journal, 58, 365-377.
        Raphael, D. (in press). The question of evidence in health promotion.
Health Promotion International.
        Seedhouse, D. (1997). Health promotion: Philosophy, prejudice and
practice. NY: Wiley.
        Tesh, S. (1990). Hidden arguments: Political ideology and disease
prevention policy.  Rutgers University Press, New Brunswick, NJ.
        Tones, K. (1996).  The anatomy and ideology of health promotion;
Empowerment in practice.  Chapter 1 in A. Scriven & J. Orme (eds).  Health
promotion: Professional perspectives. London, pps. 9-21. UK: MacMillan Press.
        Williams, G. & Popay, J. (1997).  Social science and the future of
population health.  Chapter 15 in L. Jones  M. Sidell (eds), pps. 260-273.  The
challenge of promoting health. London, UK: The Open University.