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Canadian Network on Health in Development


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Canadian Network on Health in International Development <[log in to unmask]>
Doris Hollett <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 23 Jul 1998 15:56:10 -0230
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Canadian Network on Health in International Development <[log in to unmask]>
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Version francaise suit.

SYNERGY ONLINE:  Bulletins and News Briefs from        
The Canadian Society for International Health (CSIH) 
[log in to unmask]
Africa Dissertation Internship Awards
The Rockefeller Foundation is once again offering a program for African 
scholars, the "Africa Dissertation Internship Awards" (ADIA).  ADIA provides 
funding for dissertation field research in sub-Saharan Africa.  Citizens of 
sub-Saharan African nations enrolled in doctoral programs in the United 
States and Canada are eligible.  Priority is given to research on economic 
development in the areas of agriculture, environment, education, health, 
life sciences, population and the humanities.  If you have further 
questions, or need application materials, please contact: Ann R. Trotter, 
ADIA Program Coordinator, The Rockefeller Foundation, 440 Fifth Avenue, New 
York, NY 10018-2702  (212) 869-8500 fax (212) 764-3468.

New Gender Publications from International Water & 
Sanitation Centre
IRC is an independent, non-profit organization with strong links with 
institutions in Africa, Asia, and Latin America and is establishing links 
with others in the newly independent states of Eastern Europe and Central 
Asia.  Publications including "Gender in Water Resources Management, Water 
Supply and Sanitation: Roles and Realities Revisited" - a technical paper; 
and Woman, Water, Sanitation:  Annual Abstract Journal no. 7 are available 
from IRC International Water and Sanitation Centre, Publications Department, 
P.O. Box 93190, 2509 AD The Hague, The Netherlands, tel:  +31-(0)70-3068930; 
fax:  +31-(0)70-3589964; email: [log in to unmask] or [log in to unmask]; web:

First Meeting of WHO Collaborating Centres in the Americas
This meeting will take place at PAHO in Washington, D.C. October 9-10, 1998.  
The goals and objectives of this meeting are to:  learn from the new 
leadership at WHO how Collaborating Centres can better relate to the 
organization's developing vision; help define ways that Collaborating 
Centres can better generalize networking so that no Center works in 
isolation; begin to define regular meetings and/or communications that 
brings like Collaborating Centres into closer contact; promote discussion 
between technical officers at WHO/PAHO and Collaborating Centres; foster 
capacity-building among Collaborating Centres; determine appropriate 
advocacy roles for Collaborating Centres.  For more information, please 
contact Dr. B. Salafsky at WHO Collaborating Centres Conference, University 
of Illinois, College of Medicine at Rockford, 1601 Parkview Ave., Rockford 
Illinois 61107-1897, USA  Tel:  815-395-5600; Fax:  815-395-5887; email: 
[log in to unmask]

CSIH Offers Internships for Youth
Within the framework of the federal government's Youth Employment Strategy, 
the Canadian Society for International Health is offering international 
health internships for recent graduates and undergraduates who are planning 
a career in health. The Department of Foreign Affairs and International 
Trade and the Canadian International Development Agency provide funding for 
these internships.  Contact us if you are a Canadian citizen and have an 
educational background in medicine, social sciences, biological sciences, 
health administration, dentistry, nursing, economics or another health 
discipline and are interested in acquiring experience abroad. Selection for 
internships will take place between July 1998 and September 30, 1998.  
Please check the Website for a complete list of internships:

Synergy Online Goes on Vacation!
The next issue of Synergy Online will be published on August 20.
The Canadian Society for International Health gratefully acknowledges the 
Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) and the Canadian International 
Development Agency (CIDA) for their financial support of Synergy Online.

SYNERGY EN DIRECT: Bulletins et nouvelles de la Societe 
canadienne de sante internationale (SCSI), 
[log in to unmask]
Bourses pour des memoires de stage sur l'Afrique
La Fondation Rockefeller offre une fois de plus un programme destine aux 
etudiants de troisieme cycle africains, le "Africa Dissertation Internships 
Awards" (ADIA).  L'ADIA offre des bourses pour la production de memoire de 
recherche de terrain en Afrique sub-saharienne. Les citoyens des pays 
d'Afrique sub-saharienne inscrits a des programmes de doctorat aux Etats-
Unis et au Canada sont eligibles. La priorite sera donnee aux recherches 
portant sur le developpement economique dans les domaines de l'agriculture, 
de l'environnement, de l'education, de la sante, des sciences de la vie, de 
la population et des humanites. Si vous avez des questions, ou souhaitez 
recevoir des formulaires de demande, veuillez communiquer avec: Ann R. 
Trotter, Coordonnatrice du Programme ADIA, La Fondation Rockefeller, 440 
Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10018-2702  Tel: (212) 869-8500; Telec.: (212) 

Nouvelles publications sur les genres du Centre 
international de l'eau et de l'assainissement
L'IRC est une organisation independante, a but non-lucratif, ayant des liens 
etroits avec des institutions d'Afrique, d'Asie et d'Amerique latine et 
creant des liens avec d'autres institutions dans les nouveaux etats 
independants d'Europe de l'Est et d'Asie centrale. Les publications de l'IRC 
dont: "Gender in Water Resources Management, Water Supply and Sanitation: 
Roles and Realities Revisited" - un document technique; et "Woman, Water, 
Sanitation: Annual Abstract Journal No.7" sont disponibles au IRC Centre 
international de l'eau et de l'assainissement, Service des publications, 
B.P. 93190, 2509 AD - La Haye, Pays-Bas. Tél: +31-(0)70-306-8930; Téléc.: +
31-(0)70-358-9964; Courriel: [log in to unmask] ou [log in to unmask]; internet:

Premiere reunion des Centres de collaboration de l'OMS 
dans les Ameriques
La reunion aura lieu au siege de l'OPS a Washington, DC, les 9 et 10 octobre 
1998. Les buts et objectifs de cette reunion sont : apprendre comment mieux 
partager la  vision de developpement de l'OMS favorisee par la nouvelle 
direction; aider les Centres de collaboration a generaliser le reseautage 
pour qu'ils ne travaillent pas de facon isolee; etablir un agenda de 
reunions ou de communications pour ameliorer les contacts entre les 
differents centres; promouvoir les echanges entre les agents techniques de 
l'OMS/OPS et les Centres de collaboration; ameliorer le developpement des 
capacites parmi les Centres de collaboration; determiner les roles 
consultatif des Centres de collaboration.  Pour de plus amples 
renseignements, veuillez communiquer avec le Dr B. Salafsky a WHO 
Collaborating Centres Conference, University of Illinois, College of 
Medicine at Rockford, 1601 Parkview Ave., Rockford, Illinois 61107-1897, USA  
Tel.: (815) 395-5600; Telec.: (815) 395-5887; Courriel: [log in to unmask]

La SCSI offre des stages pour les jeunes
Dans le cadre de la Strategie Emploi Jeunesse du gouvernement federal, la 
Societe canadienne de sante internationale (SCSI) offre des stages en sante 
internationale aux jeunes recemment diplome(e)s qui visent une carriere en 
sante. Le Ministere des affaires etrangeres et du Commerce international 
(MAECI) et l'Agence canadienne de developpement international (ACDI) 
contribuent financierement a ce programme de stage.  Vous devez etre citoyen
(ne) canadien(ne) et avoir une formation academique en medecine, sciences 
sociales, biologie, administration de la sante, dentisterie, economie de la 
sante, sciences infirmieres ou tout autre discipline de la sante. La 
selection des candidats pour les differents stages aura lieu de juillet 1998 
a septembre 30, 1998.  Consultez notre page web pour la liste complete des 

Synergie-en-direct en vacances!
Le prochain numero de Synergie-en-direct sera publie le 20 aout.
La Societe canadienne de sante internationale remercie l'Organisation 
panamericaine de la sante (OPS) et l'Agence canadienne de developpement 
international (ACDI) de leur soutien financier envers Synergy En Direct.
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