On Tuesday, January 13, 1998 4:14 PM, Ronald
Labonte[SMTP:[log in to unmask]] wrote:
Thank you for this information, I would be interested if these cost
benefits related to these people not having access to the health care
Also I am surprised that there is no mention of the Perry Pre-school
Program, I keep hearing over and over and over again that "every dollar
spent". And I understand that this is the reason to our move in Ontario
towards the surveillance of women on welfare in the first three years of
their child's life?
> As for my opinion: I participated in a forum on this topic recently in
> California, where another speaker had combed the literature on
> in HP and DP. The only place where there seem to be measured benefits
> outstripping costs:
> 1. Prenatal programs for low-income women.
> 2. Diabetes screening and support for low-income persons.
> Period.
Sherrie Tingley
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