Forwarded FYI:
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Date: Fri, 07 Nov 1997 23:27:36 -0500
From: THADDEUS THOMPSON <[log in to unmask]>
Reply-To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: FRACNET-L, the electronic forum of the FRAC
Please excuse this lengthy posting (both in French and English). This is
an invitation for all who may be interested to join the FRACNET-L
electronic forum. Please share this message (or cross-post it to other
lists) with others that you feel may be interested by it. This electronic
forum is conducted in French and is geared towards the interests of
Francophone family planning and reproductive health professionals from
Africa and the French-speaking Carribean. For more information, please
read on (in whichever language is your preference.)
Le Forum Regional d*Analyse et de Concertation (FRAC) regroupe des
gestionnaires et decideurs de politiques de planification familiale et de
sante reproductive de haut niveau representant quelques 17 pays
francophones de l'Afrique du nord, de l'ouest, du centre, et de Haiti.
Depuis 1987, le FRAC se reunit une fois par an pour discuter de questions
d'interet commun en rapport direct avec leurs taches d'amelioration des
performances du programme de planification familiale de leur pays
FRACNET, le reseau electronique du FRAC, est une initiative pour permettre
aux *Fracceurs* (anciens, futurs, et virtuels) de 1) communiquer et
echanger leurs experiences et leurs expertises professionelles dans la
periode entre les reunions annuelles, et 2) d'avoir acces a une grande
base de ressources electroniques sur la planification familiale et la
sante reproductive. Cette initiative represente l'effort du projet
"Family Planning Management Development (FPMD)", projet de l'USAID en
collaboration avec les membres du FRAC.
Cette conference (ou peut-etre plutot, cette conversation) electronique
est ouverte a tous vos interets professionels qui concernent la
planification familiale et la sante reproductive. Comme la dixieme
rencontre du FRAC va bientot avoir lieu a Haiti au mois de novembre, nous
avons pense commencer ce dialogue par une discussion sur la theme
specifique du FRAC X, les Strategies Avancees.
En particulier, le but de cette premiere discussion est:
1.) De nous instruire sur le theme de FRAC X, les strategies avancees,
pour que nos conversations lors du FRAC soient bien informees et d'une
profondeur considerable.
2.) De permettre a ceux qui ne peuvent pas se rendre a Haiti de participer
quand-meme aux discussions, et de nous faire profiter de leurs experience.
A cette fin, nous esperons creer avec ce forum, une opportunite pour
chacun de contribuer avec ses experiences, positives et negatives, ses
idees, suggestions et recommandations pour ameliorer la couverture et la
qualite des soins des populations traditionellement sous-desservies.
La duree de cette premiere conversation est inconnue pour le moment et
dependra du volume des interactions et de l'interet. Nous esperons que la
conversation sera particulierement active lors de la rencontre a Haiti, du
9 au 21 novembre 1997.
Sylvia (Maman FRAC) Vriesendorp et Thadeus Thompson, seront les
moderateurs de cette conference electronique. Si vous avez des questions
ou des problemes, n'hesitez pas a vous addresser a nous a l'address
[log in to unmask] Ceci N'EST PAS l'addresse a laquelle vous enverrez vos
messages pour la conference, mais uniquement si vous avez des questions
pour les moderateurs.
Pour vous inscrire au FRACNET-L, la conference electronique de FRAC,
veuillez envoyer la commande SUBSCRIBE FRACNET-L, suive par votre nom,
dans la corps d*un courrier electronique a l*adresse
[log in to unmask] Laissez vide la ligne *sujet*. Pour plus
d*information concernant le FRAC et FRACNET, le reseau electronique du
FRAC, veuillez visite notre site Internet au
Nous vous souhaitons bonne reception de cette invitation, et serions tres
contente si vous decidez de nous joindre comme *fracceur virtuel*.
Conceived in 1986 under the USAID-funded Family Planning Management
Training (FPMT) project, the goals of the Forum Regional d*Analyse et de
Concertation (FRAC) initiative are (1) to overcome the professional
isolation in which most Francophone African and Haitian family planning
and reproductive health professionals operate and (2) to address senior
managers* needs for updated tools and approaches in the management of
family planning programs. The FRAC is designed to break this isolation by
providing top-level family planning managers and professionals in
Francophone Africa and Haiti with the opportunity to network, exchange
experiences and share information on strategies that have proven effective
(or ineffective), and to address and solve mutual problems in the
management of family planning programs. A long-term objective is to
develop the FRAC into a sustainable, internationally recognized resource
for dealing with management issues of family planning programs. Another
objective is to have members of the FRAC exchange information on an
on-going basis, beyond the annual conference format.
The goal of FRACNET, the electronic network of the FRAC, is to establish
an active and functional micro-network of FRAC members that interacts
through affordable electronic networking and conferencing technology to
address family planning and reproductive health program matters in the
period between the annual meetings. The FRAC micro-network will greatly
reduce the information deficit so common among Francophone family planning
professionals by providing them with electronic access to many valuable
sources of information pertinent to their professional work. Furthermore,
the micro-network initiative will facilitate and encourage further
South-to-South collaboration among Francophone family planning
professionals and contribute to FPMD*s goal of establishing the FRAC as a
sustainable network. This initiative represents the efforts of the Family
Planning Management Development Project of USAID, together with the
members of the FRAC.
FRACNET-L, the electronic forum of the FRAC, is a forum open to all topics
of interest to Francophone (and French-speaking Anglophones.) family
planning and reproductive health professionals from Africa and the French
speaking Carribean.
As the 10th anniversary of the FRAC will be taking place in Haiti from
November 16 to 22, we thought we would focus initially on the particular
topic of this FRAC meeting, Reaching Underserved and Marginalized
Populations (Strategies Avancees, in French).
To this end, we hope to create with this forum an opportunity for everyone
to contribute their experiences (both positive and negitive), their ideas,
suggestions, and recommendations for the improvement of the quality of
care provided to populations that are typically under-served.
The duration of this initial conversation is undetermined and depends upon
the volume of interest expressed. We hope that the conversation will be
particularly active during the FRAC meeting in Haiti in November, as we
will be incorporating the interactions of this electronic forum into the
discussions we will be having at the physical conference.
To subscribe to the FRACNET-L forum, please send the command SUBSCRIBE
FRACNET-L, followed by your name, to the address [log in to unmask]
To join the moderators of the electronic forum, Sylvia Vriesendorp and
Thaddeus Thompson, please send your message to [log in to unmask]
For more information on the FRAC and FRACNET, the electronic network of
the FRAC, please visit our web pages at
We hope you will join us as *virtual fracceurs* and welcome your
participation in our network.