I agree very much with what is stated below; in Canada, with our (much
needed...) emphasis on stuctural determinants of health requiring
structural change,we are sometimes hasty in forgetting the individuals. The
interraction betweeen structure and agency is a dialectic one, requiring
attention to both sides of the equation...
Michel O'Neill
>Dennis: I am disturbed by what you imply is REALY (your all caps) health
>promotion, and what is not 'REAL'.
>Defining the boundaries of health promotion is much needed. However, I would
>have thought that health behaviour change ( wellness as well as risk focused)
>at the individual level is still a core component.
>As you know, I frame individual behaviour change within a context of expanding
>levels of influence:family/friends, groups, organizations, communities,
>The key principle is 'reciprocal determinism': ie. the person influenced by a
>context and the context influenced by a person.
>Maybe I have it all wrong about what is and what is not REAL. In that case, I
>will have to turn in my health promotion card.
> Harvey A. Skinner PhD
> Professor and Chair
> Department of Behavioural Science
> Acting Chair
> Department of Preventive Medicine and Biostatistics
> Acting Chair
> Graduate Department of Community Health
> Faculty of Medicine, McMurrich Building
> University of Toronto
> Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5S 1A8
> *************************************************
> Voice: 416-978-8989
> FAX: 416-978-2087
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Bonne journee !
Michel O'Neill, Ph.D.
Professeur titulaire, Ecole des Sciences infirmieres;
co-directeur, GRIPSUL;
4108-J, Pavillon Paul-Comtois
Universite Laval, Quebec, Qc
Canada, G1K 7P4
Telephone: +(1)-418-656-2131 poste 7431; Telecopieur (fax): +(1)-418-656-7747
Internet: [log in to unmask]
Co-directeur, Centre collaborateur quebecois de l'OMS pour le developpemement
de villes et villages en sante / Quebec WHO Collaborating Centre for the
development of Healthy Cities and Towns
2400 D'Estimauville
Beauport, Qc
Canada, J3G 4M4
Telephone: +(1)-418-666-7000 #461 Telecopieur (fax): +(1)-418-666-2776
Internet: [log in to unmask]