Dear Click for HPer's:
Since the Graduate Office frequently receives inquiries
concerning the availability of our graduates, we are
providing, as a service to Click4HP subscribers, short bios
of our recent graduates and the means of contacting them.
The first such bio follows after a brief description of the
program. Since this may be a first for a health promotion
list-serve, we welcome your comments concerning this
process, and whether you find it useful.
The Master of Health Science Program in Health Promotion at
the University of Toronto, established in 1979, is currently
the only Canadian program specifically offering a masters
degree in Health Promotion. We only enrol 10 students a year
from over 75 applicants. The program trains professionals to
assess the health promotion needs of groups and communities
on a systematic basis, design and implement programs that
meet those needs, and evaluate the impact on the community
of health promotion programs. The program takes a critical
perspective towards Health Promotion theory and practice.
Our graduates are employed in a range of positions in
governmental and voluntary health agencies at the federal,
provincial and municipal levels. Our graduates are found at
Health Canada, the Ontario Ministry of Health, District
Health Councils, Community Health Centres, Social Planning
agencies, Public Health Departments, and elsewhere. Examples
of positions that they hold are: Community Health Educator,
Health Promotion Manager, Community College and University
Instructor, Health Promotion Coordinator, Regional Health
Educator, and Health Planner and Evaluator.
MHSc. Grad Bio: Elizabeth Lines
Liz is graduating this June (1996) with a Master of Health
Science - Health Promotion (U of Toronto) having previously
completed an Honours BA in Psychology (1978) and an MA in
Psychology (1989), both at York University, Toronto.
Her background includes extensive research and writing
experience within the areas of equity-related initiatives
such as employment equity, women and non-traditional work,
and adult literacy learning. The MHSc program, including two
practicum placements at the Toronto Public Health
Department, has allowed Liz to extend her research and
evaluation skills in health-related and health promotion
contexts. While her practicum placements were in the areas
of sexual health and social policy, her substantive
interests are wide-ranging. She plans to pursue health
promotion activities at the level of policy, planning and/or
Liz Lines can be reached at [log in to unmask]
Alternatively, she can be reached through the University of
Toronto graduate office by calling Wendy Kassil,
Dennis Raphael, Ph.D., C.Psych.
Associate Director
Master of Health Science Program in Health Promotion
University of Toronto
Division of Community Health
Tel: (416) 978-7567
Fax: (416) 978-2087
E-Mail: [log in to unmask]