I received this on another list serv and forward it particularly for all of
you South of the border. Adeline
>An Election Year?
>As a student of sociology of religion, who does a lot of work in
>diversity education, I find myself on the mailing list of numerous
>organizations. Yesterday I heard from "Focus on the Family," a
>conservative Christian organization in Colorado Springs, founded by
>James Dobson. They sent me a mailing, which included a fairly thick
>booklet describing the "Nine Key Issues that will Shape Our Future." In
>reference to education it reads, "Many of our schools are besieged by
>.. moral relativism (under the guise of multiculturalism), revisionist
>history and amoral sex education, among other things." Dobson
>encourages a day of prayer and fasting on November 5th and a commitment
>to get out the vote. He challenges the thousands who receive his
>mailings to urge two people to vote, who in turn will ask two more. He
>says, they are trusting that a "domino effect" will occur.
>Once again, I am reminded how mobilized, committed, and vigilant people
>like Pat Robertson, Jerry Falwell, James Dobson and others are. I
>respect their commitment to overturn Roe v. Wade, appointing Supreme
>Court Justices who will vote with Scalia and Thomas. I acknowledge their
>drive to get vouchers for constituents who can send their (predominantly
>white) children to religious schools and turn school boards into purely
>ideological battle grounds.
>But I am often in a quandry, in important historical moments like these,
>why many of the other "list serves" I receive, or communities which I
>am a part of, never mention that there is an upcoming election. They
>talk about academic meetings and agendas, but somehow ignore the
>political fray, (taking the high ground?).
>I encourage those of you who care about racism, sexism, issues of sexual
>identity, class stratification, and intellectual freedom to join the
>other 'domino effect' and impact the upcoming presidential and
>congressional election. It is my suspicion that you will be doing more
>about the issues we say we care about than you can imagine.
>Please consider sending an e-mail to your list-serves and
>friends, relatives and colleagues, like I am doing today. This may well
>be the closest election in 30-40 years and our activity (or lack of it)
>may make all of the difference.
>Thanks for reading this and considering some action.
>Jeanette Baust
>Univ. of Denver/Iliff School of Theology
>Celeste Rossmiller
>2508 E. 11th Ave., Apt 404
>Denver CO 80206-3236
Peggy L. Chinn, RN, PhD, FAAN
My home page: http://www.nursing.uconn.edu/~plchinn/
ANS home page: http://www.nursing.uconn.edu/ans.html
Nurse Manifest Project: http://www.nursemanifest.com/